# Load required assemblies
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework
# Define XAML for GUI using a here-string
$xaml = @"
<Window x:Class='System.Windows.Window'
Title='IP-Domain Converter' Height='450' Width='750'>
<ColumnDefinition Width='*' />
<ColumnDefinition Width='*' />
<Label Name='LabelIP' Content='Paste IP Addresses:' HorizontalAlignment='Center' Margin='0,10,0,0' VerticalAlignment='Top' Width='200' Grid.Column='0'/>
<Button Name='ConvertToHostname' Content='To Hostname' Width='200' Height='30' VerticalAlignment='Top' Margin='0,40,0,0' HorizontalAlignment='Center' Grid.Column='0' />
<TextBox Name='InputBox' Height='300' Width='300' VerticalAlignment='Top' Margin='0,80,0,0' AcceptsReturn='True' TextWrapping='Wrap' VerticalScrollBarVisibility='Auto' HorizontalAlignment='Center' Grid.Column='0'/>
<Label Name='LabelDomain' Content='Paste Hostnames:' HorizontalAlignment='Center' Margin='0,10,0,0' VerticalAlignment='Top' Width='200' Grid.Column='1'/>
<Button Name='ConvertToIP' Content='To IP' Width='200' Height='30' VerticalAlignment='Top' Margin='0,40,0,0' HorizontalAlignment='Center' Grid.Column='1' />
<TextBox Name='OutputBox' Height='300' Width='300' VerticalAlignment='Top' Margin='0,80,0,0' AcceptsReturn='True' TextWrapping='Wrap' VerticalScrollBarVisibility='Auto' HorizontalAlignment='Center' Grid.Column='1'/>
# Load the XAML
$window = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Parse($xaml)
# Define events
$buttonConvertToHostname = $window.FindName('ConvertToHostname')
$buttonConvertToIP = $window.FindName('ConvertToIP')
$inputBox = $window.FindName('InputBox')
$outputBox = $window.FindName('OutputBox')
# Define DNS servers to use
$dnsServers = @('', '') # Example DNS servers
function Resolve-DnsNameCustom {
param (
[string]$QueryType = 'A'
$result = $null
foreach ($server in $DnsServers) {
try {
$queryOptions = @{
Name = $Name
Type = $QueryType
Server = $server
$result = Resolve-DnsName @queryOptions -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
# Continue to the next DNS server if the current one fails
return $result
$outputBox.Text = ''
foreach ($ip in ($inputBox.Text -split "`r`n")) {
try {
$hostnameResult = Resolve-DnsNameCustom -Name $ip -DnsServers $dnsServers -QueryType 'PTR'
if ($hostnameResult) {
$hostname = $hostnameResult.NameHost
} else {
$hostname = "unknown host"
} catch {
$hostname = "unknown host"
$inputBox.Text = ''
foreach ($domain in ($outputBox.Text -split "`r`n")) {
try {
$ipAddressesResult = Resolve-DnsNameCustom -Name $domain -DnsServers $dnsServers -QueryType 'A'
if ($ipAddressesResult) {
$ipAddresses = $ipAddressesResult.IPAddress
$ipString = [string]::Join(",", $ipAddresses)
} else {
$ipString = "unknown host"
} catch {
$ipString = "unknown host"
# Show the window