Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.


Please Donate

As a way to let me know you appreciate the knowledge I’ve shared and curated, your very generous donation of any amount would make me so happy. The money itself is not really what I’m looking for, but instead that you took the time and effort to say thank you.

Time it Saves You

The knowledge I have is valuable to me, and hopefully saves you time too.

Server Costs

Thanks to hugo, I don’t NEED donations anymore to survive and I can’t claim “hosting costs”, because there are none. Hugo + Netlify reduced my $150 a month bill down to $0!

Hardware Costs

I pay for my own lab equipment, demo hardware, books, training, courses, certifications, etc. I subscribe to many paid sources of content as I am a lifelong student. There are real costs that I tend to ignore, but these are where any out of pocket costs besides time wouldl be. I spend considerable resources and acquiring knowledge, so your donation would actually help me in this area.

Time it Costs Me

There are several thousand hours per year of my time invested in curating, testing, creating labs, reading, experimenting, figuring stuff out etc. I’ve made great effort to share this information with you in a way that hopefully helps you skill up or save time.

Thank you

Truly, thank you for encouraging me to share more and more content every day!

Last updated on 19 Jan 2024
Published on 19 Jan 2024