Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.

fastest URL

use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::Ping;
use Time::HiRes;
# takes a list of urls, pings them, returns a sorted list
# originally was written when choosing cpan modules
# $order is supposed to match the list provided by perl 5.8.8
# $order isn't useful for testing other types of URLS
# but the rest of the script should be
# I've already commented out ones that are frequently down
my %sortedURLS;
my %URLS = (
#'02' => '',
'03' => '',
'04' => '',
'05' => '',
#'06' => '',
'07' => '',
'08' => '',
'09' => '',
#'10' => '',
'11' => '',
'12' => '',
'13' => '',
'14' => '',
'15' => '',
'16' => '',
'17' => '',
'18' => '',
'19' => '',
'20' => '',
'21' => '',
'22' => '',
'23' => '',
'24' => '',
'25' => '',
'26' => '',
'27' => '',
'28' => '',
'29' => '',
'30' => '',
#'31' => '',
'32' => '',
'33' => '',
'34' => '',
'35' => '',
'36' => '',
'37' => '',
'38' => '',
'39' => '',
'40' => '',
'41' => '',
'42' => '',
'43' => '',
'44' => '',
#'45' => '',
'46' => '',
'47' => '',
'48' => ''
sub checkURLS {
  my $x = 0;
  foreach my $order ( keys %URLS ){
    my $cpan      = $order;
    my $location  = $URLS{$order};
    my $host      = trim($location);
    my $p = Net::Ping->new('icmp');
    my ($success, $timed, $ip) = $p->ping($host);
    if ($success) {
    $sortedURLS{$timed} = "$order $host";
    print "success: $host\n";
    } else {
      print "failed : $host\n";
sub sortURLS {
  print "\nFINAL RESULTS:\n";
  foreach my $timed ( sort (keys %sortedURLS) ) {
    my ($order, $host) = split(/ /,$sortedURLS{$timed});
    printf ("$order\t%.2f ms\t $host\n", $timed * 1000);
#function that trims a domain
sub trim {
  $_ = my $input = shift;
  $_ =~ s/^\s+//;     # strip spaces at start of string
  $_ =~ s/\s+$//;     # strip spaces at end of string
  $_ =~ s|^http://||; # strip http:// at begining
  $_ =~ s|^ftp://||;  # strip ftp:// at beginning
  $_ =~ s|/.*$||;     # strip everything after the first /
  my $trimmed = $_;
  return $trimmed;