Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.


CSV line by line

Written specifically to read a CSV and convert it line by line to jmemorize format, but could be used for any CSV you need to parse.

# read a csv file of 2 columns
# spit out a import file (free flashcard program).
# ask similar questions/answers for each Q/A pair
# modify the question and answer below to word it how you like
# simple script, but if you have questions:
use strict;
use warnings;
# the file name of your .csv file
my $file = 'data.csv';
# the column headers required by jmemorize
print qq~Frontside,Flipside,Category,Level\n~;
# open the file for reading
open(FILE, "<$file") or
 die("Could not open log file. $!\n");
 #process line by line:
while(<FILE>) {
 # I assign $_ to $line by habit.  It's easier to read,
 # it may change and it's harder to trace if you don't do this
 my($line) = $_;
 # remove any trail space (the newline)
 # not necessary, but again, good habit
 # split the line on colums into $qu and $an on the existing commas.
 # note that if you have commas in a quote, this will break
 # and isntead you should split on the proper delimiter: split(/","/,$line) instead
 my ($qu,$an) = split(/,/,$line);
 # side A of the flashcard, or the question
 print qq~"Q: <i><b>$qu</b></i>",~;
 # Side B of the flashcard, or the answer
 # I print the qeustion again, but you don't have to
 print qq~"Q: <i><b>$qu</b></i>?~;
 print qq~Answer: <i><b>$an</b></i>",~;
 # what category should this go into?
 # jmemorize requires the category and a "zero" as part of the format, so:
 print qq~"Questions",0\n~;
# output looks like:
#"Q: <i><b>The Q1</b></i>","Q: <i><b>The Q1</b></i>? A: <i><b>The A1</b></i>","Questions",0
#"Q: <i><b>The Q2</b></i>","Q: <i><b>The Q2</b></i>? A: <i><b>The A2</b></i>","Questions",0
#"Q: <i><b>The Q3</b></i>","Q: <i><b>The Q3</b></i>? A: <i><b>The A3</b></i>","Questions",0
#"Q: <i><b>The Q4</b></i>","Q: <i><b>The Q4</b></i>? A: <i><b>The A4</b></i>","Questions",0
# which is valid input format for jmemorize flashcards
# the point of the script is the ability to modify the Q & A
# so if you have a large spreadsheet, you don't have to type it over and over
# I used it to study circuit ID names and format them in bold/italics
# so I could quickly glance at the card and just focus on the Q&A