Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.

SVG Perl Script to Make 6 Point Star

Solomon’s game is similar to checkers but uses the star of Solomon. It’s a modern game invented by . Here is the Perl code to generate an SVG file game board.

What is the Star of David?

First, there are 2 stars mentioned as false idols in the Bible (Acts 7:43 and Amos: 5:25–27). I do not believe this is that star. Nor do I worship Saturn (read the references). It is well known that Solomon, the wisest man on earth with his 1000 wives, made the mistake of worshiping one of his wive’s false gods. This game has nothing to do with that. There is one God, and he is Jesus Christ.

Objective of Solomon’s Game

Like checkers, the objective is to capture your opponent’s pieces or trap your opponent so they have no legal moves.

Setup of Solomon’s Game

Each player places 6 tokens as per the diagram above using different colored tokens.

Game Play of Solomon’s Game

  • The first player moves a piece towards the temple (the box outlined on the opposite side of their color), or sideways (in relation to the opposing temple).

  • A piece cannot move backwards until it reaches the temple, where it becomes a “king” like in checkers.

  • Moves can only be along the lines.

Capturing Pieces

  • Jumps occur like in checkers depending on whether the jumping piece is a “king” or not.

  • Only kings can jump back towards the temple of their own color.

  • Jumped pieces are removed from the game.

  • If a jump is available, it must be taken, except double jumps are not allowed.


I could not find the reference, but have been told that this game was invented by Martin Gardner and published in Games Magazine. I wrote the Perl, and did the graphics.

SVG to Create Solomon’s Game

<svg width="603" xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" height="670">
	<polygon style="fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; stroke: black; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 3" points="76.5714285714286,306.285714285714 421.142857142857,107.347307244946 "></polygon>
	<polygon style="fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; stroke: black; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 3" points="76.5714285714286,306.285714285714 536,306.285714285714 "></polygon>
	<polygon style="fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; stroke: black; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 3" points="76.5714285714286,306.285714285714 421.142857142857,505.224121326482 "></polygon>
	<polygon style="fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; stroke: black; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 3" points="191.428571428571,107.347307244946 191.428571428571,505.224121326482 "></polygon>
	<polygon style="fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; stroke: black; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 3" points="191.428571428571,107.347307244946 421.142857142857,505.224121326482 "></polygon>
	<polygon style="fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; stroke: black; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 3" points="191.428571428571,107.347307244946 536,306.285714285714 "></polygon>
	<polygon style="fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; stroke: black; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 3" points="421.142857142857,107.347307244946 421.142857142857,505.224121326482 "></polygon>
	<polygon style="fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; stroke: black; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 3" points="421.142857142857,107.347307244946 191.428571428571,505.224121326482 "></polygon>
	<polygon style="fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; stroke: black; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 3" points="536,306.285714285714 191.428571428571,505.224121326482 "></polygon>
	<circle cy="306.285714285714" cx="76.5714285714286" r="6.7" style="fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; stroke: black; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 3"></circle>
	<circle cy="306.285714285714" cx="536" r="6.7" style="fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; stroke: black; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 3"></circle>
	<text y="636.5" x="197.277777777778" style="fill: black; font: Serif; font-size: 32" id="l1">Solomon's Game</text>


Perl Code to Create 6 Point Star in SVG


# Solomon's Game Board done in SVG

use strict;
use warnings;
use SVG;  #

# with margins at .25, SCALE of 142*9.5 (last row of dots) fits on an A4
use constant SCALE 	=> '67';	# dots per inch scale, adjust to fit on your board
use constant DOTSIZE	=> '7';		# should be an odd number
use constant LINEWIDTH	=> '3';		# should be an odd number
use constant FILL 	=> 'black';	# can be 'rgb(0,0,0)'  too
use constant STROKE	=> 'black';	# can be 'rgb(0,0,0)'  too

my $title = "Solomon's Game";

# create an SVG object, canvas which we use for the rest of the draws
my $svg = SVG->new(
    width  => 9 * SCALE,
    height => 10 * SCALE,

# Define the dots, lines, squares, circles etc
# Order isn't important, all is eventually drawn
# SVG has max of 2-4k objects before browser gets sluggish
# keys are sorted alpha for debug reasons

# everything is based off of the segment length
# of the circle radius, so "legs" of various length
# used throughout rest of the math
my $leg1 = (8/7);		# 1.1428571429
my $leg2 = (8/7) * 2; 	# 2.2857142857
my $leg3 = (8/7) * 3;	# 3.4285714286
my $leg4 = (8/7) * 4;	# 4.5714285714
my $leg5 = (8/7) * 5;	#
my $leg6 = (8/7) * 6;	#
my $leg7 = (8/7) * 7;	#
my $ctr  = (8/7) * 4;	# 4.5714285714, for code readability

# Line Coorids calculated based off of knowing that the
# hex was made up of equilateral isoceles triangles
# known formulas for calculating all coorids based on
# legs only.

# line points
my $nwx = $ctr - .5 * $leg3;
my $nwy = $ctr - (sqrt(3)/2)*$leg3;
my $sex = $ctr + .5 * $leg3;
my $sey = $ctr + (sqrt(3)/2)*$leg3;
my $swx = $ctr - .5 * $leg3;
my $swy = $ctr + (sqrt(3)/2)*$leg3;
my $nex = $ctr + .5 * $leg3;
my $ney = $ctr - (sqrt(3)/2)*$leg3;

# Lines are xy start and xy stop coordinates, in inches/scaled
my %l = (
	la => [$leg1,$ctr,$nex,$ney],	# W to NE
	lb => [$leg1,$ctr,$leg7,$ctr],	# W to E
	lc => [$leg1,$ctr,$sex,$sey],	# W to SE
	ld => [$nwx,$nwy,$swx,$swy],	# NW to SW
	le => [$nwx,$nwy,$sex,$sey],	# NW to SE
	lf => [$nwx,$nwy,$leg7,$ctr],	# NW to E
	lg => [$nex,$ney,$sex,$sey],	# NE to SE
	lh => [$nex,$ney,$swx,$swy],	# NE to SW
	li => [$leg7,$ctr,$swx,$swy],	# E to SW

# Circles are x,y,size and fill
my %cs = (
	ca => [$leg1,$ctr,.1,1],
	cb => [$leg7,$ctr,.1,1],

# Logic, no reason for sort but to help me see data
# add some lines by looping over lines hash
foreach my $cor (sort keys %l) {

# make our circles by looping over circle hash
foreach my $cs (sort keys %cs) {
# Text, at SCALE of 142, 6.5 letters per inch, Serif Font
# Text, at SCALE of 96, 5 letters per inche, Serif Font
# Take half of estimated lenght of title, subtract it from center
# that should start half before center, and then half after center
# adjust the /5 down to move left, up to move right
my $ltitle = length($title);
my $xtitle = 4.5 * SCALE - ($ltitle/4.5 * SCALE)/2;

    id => 'l1',
    x  => $xtitle,
    y  => SCALE * 9.5,
	style     => {
        'font'      => 'Serif',
        'font-size' => 32,
        'fill'      => FILL,

# lines sub
# really a 2 point polygon, instead of the "lines" function
sub lines {
	# 4 arguments, xstart, ystart, xstop, ystop
	my $xstart = SCALE * shift;
	my $ystart = SCALE * shift;
	my $xstop = SCALE * shift;
	my $ystop = SCALE * shift;

	#print "$xstart,$ystart,$xstop,$ystop\n";

	my $path = $svg->get_path(
    	x => [$xstart,$xstop],
    	y => [$ystart,$ystop],
    	-type => 'polygon');

	    style => {
	        'fill'           => FILL,
	        'stroke'         => STROKE,
	        'stroke-width'   => LINEWIDTH,
	        'stroke-opacity' => 1,
	        'fill-opacity'   => 1,

# circles - x,y start, radius and fill opacity
sub circles {
	my $x = shift;
	my $y = shift;
	my $r = shift;
	my $fop = shift;

	    cx => $x * SCALE,
	    cy => $y * SCALE,
	    r  => $r * SCALE,
	    style => {
        	'fill'           => FILL,
        	'stroke'         => STROKE,
        	'stroke-width'   =>  3,
        	'stroke-opacity' =>  1,
        	'fill-opacity'   =>  $fop,

# now render the SVG object, implicitly use svg namespace
print $svg->xmlify;
Last updated on 23 Dec 2018
Published on 23 Dec 2018