Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.

Jekyll Markdown

Markdown Gotcha

  • causes errors if mixing html and markdown
  • either or by itself is fine
  • if you need id and other things, stick with html
  • left strip to render html properly


Check LIsts

- [ ] Milk
- [x] Rice
- [ ] Eggs
  • Milk
  • Rice
  • Eggs


![My helpful screenshot](/assets/screenshot.jpg)
[Some Text](https://somelink/foo)

### Mermaid

Though supported in joplin, not supported in jekyll.


save as png

### raw

Some code will not display because of the liquid template rendering such as `{}`  Use use raw and endraw to display problematic code:

{% assign openTag = '{%' %}
{% raw %}
	{{ openTag }}% raw %}

		// your code here

	{{ openTag }}% endraw %}

{% endraw %}