Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.


Setup WSL

Set Default to WSL2

wsl --set-default-version 2

Install a WSL something (ubuntu)

wsl --list --online
wsl --install -d <distro>

Generate keys in WSL

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C "some note"

Share keys to Windows

mdkr /mnt/c/Users/james.grokit/.ssh/
cp .ssh/id_rsa* /mnt/c/Users/james.grokit/.ssh/
chmod 600 /mnt/c/Users/james.grokit/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 644 /mnt/c/Users/james.grokit/.ssh/

enable SSO for ssh

ssh-add C:\users\james.grokit\.ssh\id_rsa

set git globals

git --version
git config --global "james.grokit"
git config --global ""
git config --global core.autocrlf false

manually edit the file

git config --global --edit

set repo to new location after it’s moved

git remote set-url origin

Base images


Misc Notes to Sort

git config --list --show-origin
git status
git add some.file
git add --all
git commit -am "something"
git push

ms-vscode-remote vscode-remote-extensionpack