Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.

BGP Suboptimal Routing

Suboptimal Routing

Key PointFurther Details
Improperly Configured Multi-Exit Discriminator (MED)Check MED values for correctness, ensuring they guide traffic as intended.
IGP Cost Issues Affecting BGPFor iBGP setups, ensure that the Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) metrics are configured to support the desired path selection.

Palo Alto Commands

show routing protocol bgpDisplays BGP information including MED values.
show routing metricDisplays routing metrics, useful for examining IGP cost issues.
show routing protocol bgp pathsLists all BGP paths and their attributes, including MED for route preference analysis.
show routing protocol bgp summaryProvides a summary of BGP sessions, useful for identifying iBGP relationships and potential MED issues.

Cisco ASA Commands

show ip bgpViews BGP routes and their attributes, including MED for analyzing routing decisions.
show ip bgp summaryProvides a summary of BGP sessions and can hint at IGP cost issues affecting route selection.
show ip routeDisplays the IP routing table, helping to identify IGP cost issues.
show route-mapExamines route maps applied to BGP for custom route manipulation, including MED adjustments.

Fortinet Commands

get router info bgp routesLists BGP routes with their MED values and other path attributes.
get router info bgp summarySummarizes BGP peer status, including MED values.
diag router bgp routes detailProvides detailed information on BGP routes, including MED and other path attributes.
get router info routing-table allShows the routing table to analyze IGP metrics affecting BGP path selection.

Check Point Gaia Commands

show bgp routes attribute MED(Assuming hypothetical command) Filter routes by MED attribute to analyze routing decisions.
show route allDisplays the routing table, which can be useful for understanding IGP cost issues.
show bgp summaryProvides an overview of BGP sessions, useful for checking iBGP setups and potential MED configurations.
show bgp networkDisplays BGP advertised networks, potentially affected by suboptimal routing configurations.

Debian Commands

vtysh -c 'show ip bgp'Displays BGP routes along with their MED values for analysis.
vtysh -c 'show ip route'Shows the IP routing table to help identify any IGP cost issues that might be affecting BGP.
vtysh -c 'show bgp neighbors'Displays BGP neighbor relationships, useful for analyzing iBGP setups and MED influence.
`vtysh -c ‘show running-configinclude bgp’`