Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.

BGP Session Establishment

BGP Session Establishment Failures

Key PointFurther Details
Misconfigured Neighbor RelationshipsCheck if BGP peers are correctly configured with each other’s IP addresses and AS numbers.
Authentication ErrorsEnsure that if BGP authentication is configured, the passwords match on both sides.
Incorrect AS NumbersVerify that the AS number is correctly configured on both ends of the session.
Firewall or Access List BlockingConfirm that firewalls or access lists are not blocking BGP (TCP port 179) traffic.

Palo Alto Commands

show routing protocol bgpDisplays BGP routing protocol information.
test routing fib-lookup virtual-router <name> ip <ip-address>Tests FIB lookup to verify reachability and next-hop information.
show routing protocol bgp configDisplays the BGP configuration to verify neighbor relationships and AS numbers.
test security-policy-match from <source> to <destination> protocol 6 port 179Tests if the security policies permit BGP traffic.

Cisco ASA Commands

show bgp summaryDisplays the summary of BGP peers and their status.
show bgp neighborsShows detailed information about the BGP neighbors.
show run bgpShows the running configuration for BGP to check neighbor configurations and authentication.
packet-tracer input <interface> tcp <source-ip> <source-port> <dest-ip> 179Simulates a BGP packet to check if it’s allowed through the firewall.

Fortinet Commands

get router info bgp summaryDisplays BGP summary information.
get router info bgp neighborsShows detailed BGP neighbor information.
diagnose debug cli 8; diagnose debug app bgpd -1Enables detailed debug logs for BGP to check for configuration errors and authentication issues.
diagnose sniffer packet any "port 179" 4Sniffs traffic on port 179 to confirm if BGP packets are being transmitted and received.

Check Point Gaia Commands

show bgp peersLists BGP peer status.
show bgp routesDisplays the BGP routing table.
clish -c 'show configuration bgp'Shows the BGP configuration to verify correct neighbor setup and AS numbers.
fw monitor -e 'accept port(179);'Monitors traffic on port 179 to verify if firewall rules are correctly allowing BGP traffic.

Debian Commands

vtysh -c 'show ip bgp summary'Displays the summary of BGP sessions.
vtysh -c 'show ip bgp neighbors'Shows detailed information about BGP neighbors.
`vtysh -c ‘show running-configinclude bgp’`
`iptables -L -v -ngrep 179`

Enhanced BGP Session Establishment Checks

Key PointFurther Details
BGP Version CompatibilityEnsure that BGP versions between peers are compatible.
Session Timeout SettingsCheck session timeout settings to prevent premature session drops.
Update Source ConfigurationVerify the correct configuration of the update source to ensure reliable session establishment.

Palo Alto Commands

show routing protocol bgpChecks BGP version and session details.
show system settingsVerifies system-wide settings that might affect BGP, such as session timeouts.
show routing protocol bgp peer <peer-ip>Displays detailed information about a specific BGP peer, including update source.
show network interfaceLists network interfaces to verify update source configurations.

Cisco ASA Commands

show bgp all summaryDisplays all BGP sessions, useful for checking versions and session state.
`show runinclude timeout`
show bgp neighbors <neighbor-ip> detailProvides detailed information about BGP neighbors, including update source and version.
show interfaceVerifies interface configurations, useful for checking update source settings.

Fortinet Commands

get router info bgp summaryProvides summary information, including session states and BGP version.
get system performance statusShows system performance and might give insights into timeout settings.
get router info bgp neighborsDisplays detailed BGP neighbor information, including update sources.
diag netlink interface listLists interfaces to verify update source configurations.

Check Point Gaia Commands

show bgp summaryDisplays BGP peer summary, useful for version and session status checks.
`show configurationgrep timeout`
show bgp peer <peer-ip> detailProvides detailed information on BGP peer, including update source verification.
show interfacesDisplays interface information, helping to verify update source configurations.

Debian Commands

vtysh -c 'show bgp summary'Displays BGP session summary, including version compatibility.
grep -R "timeout" /etc/frr/Searches for timeout settings in FRR (if FRR is used instead of Quagga) configuration files.
vtysh -c 'show ip bgp neighbors <neighbor-ip>'Shows detailed neighbor information, including update source.
ip addr showLists IP addresses assigned to interfaces, useful for update source verification.