Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.

Status Codes

Status Codes

Status codes only come from a server that responds. Which server exactly may not be apparent, but reviewing the status codes can help you understand what is responding.

By testing both localhost and from another server, you can narrow down if it is an application issue or some type of ACL or route issue.

Curl Status Codes

curl -sI localhost:80 | grep HTTP
HTTP/1.1 302 Found

Bypass Self Signed Certificate

curl -sI -k | grep HTTP
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

List of Status Codes

Status CodeExplanation & Diagnosis Tips
200 OKThe request was successful. This is the standard response for successful HTTP requests.
301 Moved PermanentlyThe requested resource has been moved permanently to a new URI. Update your links or bookmarks to the new URI.
302 FoundThe requested resource is temporarily under a different URI. As this is temporary, the original URI should be used again in future requests.
304 Not ModifiedThe resource has not been modified since the last request. Useful for caching and bandwidth-saving purposes.
401 UnauthorizedThe request requires user authentication. Check if the request includes proper authentication credentials.
403 ForbiddenThe server understood the request but refuses to authorize it. Check user permissions and server configuration.
404 Not FoundThe server cannot find the requested resource. Check if the URL is correct.
500 Internal Server ErrorA generic error message when the server encounters an unexpected condition. Check server logs for specific details.
502 Bad GatewayThe server received an invalid response from the upstream server. Check the configuration and health of upstream servers.
503 Service UnavailableThe server is currently unavailable (due to overload or maintenance). Often temporary, so try the request again later.
504 Gateway TimeoutThe upstream server failed to send a request in the time allowed by the server. Check network and upstream server issues.