Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.


Why Jekyll?

  • Fast, 100/100 type speed without CDN!
  • low cost because of low requirements
  • static site only, by design
  • http servers like nginx can massively scale a static site
  • Low resources
  • Much lessended Vulnerability vector
  • no database on server
  • static pages only
  • Highly documented
  • themes available
  • git checkins!
  • Free hosting git pages
  • client side js and other client side available
  • <form> available for offsite processing of data
  • disquss plugin for comments
  • simple, clean code without bloat

Why not Jekyll

  • do you love markdown? Most don’t
  • all dynamic features are disabled by design
  • code only, little or no gui work possible