Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.

Palo Alto Cheat Sheet VPN

Palo Alto VPN

show vpn ipsec-sa summary
show vpn ipsec-sa | match 

Phase 1

show vpn ike-sa
show vpn ike-sa detail gateway xxxx


show session all filter destination x.x.x.x (for both peers)
clear session all filter destination x.x.x.x


Traffic > Monitor(addr.src in x.x.x.x) and (addr.dst in x.x.x.x)


Network > IPSec tunnels
Network > Interfaces > IPv4 Add multiple Ips
network > network profiles > Monitor > Tunnel Failover
network > interfaces . Tunel Interface > configure 1pv4 to start heartbeat


show vpn flowShow IPSec counters.
show vpn gatewayShow a list of all IPSec gateways and their configurations.
show vpn ike-saShow IKE phase 1 SAs.
show vpn ipsec-saShow IKE phase 2 SAs.
show vpn tunnelShow a list of auto-key IPSec tunnel configurations.

LSVPN (10.1.7)

request global-protect-portal set-satellite-cookie-expiration value <0-5>(Portal) Change the current satellite cookie expiration time.
show global-protect-portal satellite-cookie-expiration(Portal) Show current satellite cookie expiration time.
show global-protect-satellite satellite(Satellite) Display current satellite authentication cookie’s generation time.