Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.

ASA Cheat Sheet

Untested ASA Commands

I have not tested some of these yet, but documented them as a starting point when walking the command tree. I strongly recommend against blindly running commands that you are unsure of how they will affect your device.

ASA Password Reset

hostname# configure terminal

hostname(config)# password <new_password>

hostname(config)# write memory

hostname(config)# reload

Most useful commands

show interfaceDisplays the status of all interfaces on the ASA, including physical and logical interfaces like VLANs.
show interface ethernet <interface_name>Provides detailed information about a specific Ethernet interface, including its status, configuration, statistics, and current operational state.
show interface ip briefGives a brief overview of the IP configuration for all interfaces on the ASA, including IP addresses, status, method of obtaining an IP, and name.
show connDisplays the current connections through the firewall, including source and destination IP addresses, ports, protocol, state, and flags.
show arpShows the ARP cache table, which maps IP addresses to MAC addresses. Useful for troubleshooting Layer 2 connectivity issues.
show routeDisplays the routing table of the ASA, including directly connected networks, static routes, and dynamically learned routes.
show failoverProvides information about the failover status and configuration of the ASA in a high availability setup.
show versionShows the hardware and software version of the ASA, including the model, serial number, operating system version, uptime, licensed features, etc.
show vpn-sessiondbDisplays information about active VPN sessions on the ASA, including remote peer IP address, VPN group, encryption algorithm, and session duration.
show crypto isakmp saShows active Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) security associations (SAs) on the ASA.
show crypto ipsec saDisplays active IPsec SAs (tunnels) on the ASA, including source and destination IP addresses, encryption and authentication algorithms, and status.
show access-listDisplays configured access control lists (ACLs) and their hit counts. Useful for troubleshooting traffic filtering issues.
show firewallShows firewall counters, including packets allowed, dropped, and denied. Helpful for monitoring overall firewall activity.
show asp dropDisplays dropped packets and reasons for dropping at the ASA’s hardware level. Useful for troubleshooting packet drops.
show loggingShows the ASA’s logging buffer, including system messages, debug messages, and VPN logs. Helpful for troubleshooting and monitoring.
show service-policyDisplays the service policy applied to an interface, including traffic statistics and packet drops. Useful for checking QoS configurations.
show cpu usageShows CPU utilization statistics on the ASA. Useful for identifying high CPU load and performance issues.
show memoryDisplays memory usage statistics on the ASA. Helpful for monitoring memory utilization and identifying potential memory leaks.
show processesShows CPU utilization breakdown by processes running on the ASA. Useful for identifying processes consuming CPU resources.
show conn detailProvides detailed information about active connections, including timeout values, NAT translation, and connection flags.
show asp table connDisplays the connection table maintained by the ASA’s hardware acceleration (ASP). Useful for troubleshooting connection-related issues.
show asp table dropShows packets dropped by the ASA’s hardware acceleration (ASP). Helpful for identifying reasons for packet drops.
show captureDisplays captured packets on the ASA for troubleshooting purposes. Allows filtering packets based on criteria such as source, destination, or interface.
show cluster infoProvides information about the clustering status and configuration of ASA firewalls in a cluster. Helpful for troubleshooting clustering issues.
show memory detailShows detailed memory usage statistics, including memory pools and allocation. Useful for identifying memory utilization patterns.
show processes cpu-usageDisplays CPU utilization by processes in real-time. Useful for identifying processes causing high CPU load.
show running-configDisplays the current running configuration of the ASA. Useful for reviewing and verifying the configuration.
show startup-configShows the startup configuration stored in NVRAM. Helpful for comparing the current running configuration with the saved startup configuration.
show tech-supportGenerates a detailed technical support report, including configuration, logs, and hardware information. Useful for troubleshooting complex issues.
show trafficDisplays real-time traffic statistics on the ASA, including packets and bytes transmitted and received on each interface.
show failoverDisplays information about the failover status and configuration of the ASA in a high availability setup.
show failover historyShows the history of failover events, including state transitions and configuration changes.
show failover stateDisplays the current failover state of the ASA, including the unit’s role (active or standby) and the state of failover interfaces.
show failover execDisplays the commands that are currently being executed on the standby unit due to failover events.
show failover exec mateDisplays the commands that are currently being executed on the primary unit and synchronized to the standby unit.
show failover statisticsProvides statistics related to failover events, including the number of state transitions and interface failures.
show failover replicationDisplays information about the replication status of configuration and state information between primary and standby units.
show failover replication detailsShows detailed information about the replication status of specific types of data, such as interface status or configuration.
show failover state-compactDisplays a compact version of the failover state, showing only critical information such as unit role and interface status.
show failover history-compactShows a compact version of the failover history, providing a summary of recent failover events.
show failover licenseDisplays information about the failover license status, including the number of licensed failover units and any license-related errors.
show failover linkDisplays information about the failover link, including interface status, IP addresses, and configuration settings.
show failover macShows the MAC addresses used for failover communication between ASA units.
show failover state-compactDisplays a compact version of the failover state, showing only critical information such as unit role and interface status.
show failover history-compactShows a compact version of the failover history, providing a summary of recent failover events.
show failover licenseDisplays information about the failover license status, including the number of licensed failover units and any license-related errors.
show failover linkDisplays information about the failover link, including interface status, IP addresses, and configuration settings.
show failover macShows the MAC addresses used for failover communication between ASA units.
show failover statistics packet-dropProvides statistics on packet drops related to failover, including reasons for drops and interface-specific information.
show failover statistics standbyDisplays statistics related to the standby unit’s operation, such as time spent in different failover states and interface status.
show failover statistics activeShows statistics related to the active unit’s operation, including uptime, time spent in different failover states, and interface status.
show failover historyDisplays a history of failover events, including state transitions and configuration changes.
show failover history detailShows detailed information about failover events, including timestamps, event types, and affected configurations.
show failover history configurationDisplays configuration changes related to failover, such as changes to failover settings and interface configurations.
show failover history interfaceShows events related to interface state changes in the failover history, including interface name, state, and reason for the change.
show failover history state-transitionsProvides a history of failover state transitions, including timestamps, previous and current states, and reasons for transitions.
show failover history system-uptimeDisplays the system uptime history, including timestamps for system reboots and failover events.
show cpu usageDisplays CPU utilization statistics on the ASA, including overall CPU usage and usage breakdown by processes.
show processes cpu-usageProvides real-time CPU utilization statistics by individual processes running on the ASA.
show memoryDisplays memory usage statistics on the ASA, including total memory, used memory, and free memory.
show memory detailShows detailed memory usage statistics, including memory pools, allocation, and utilization by process.
show processes memoryDisplays memory usage statistics by individual processes running on the ASA. Useful for identifying memory-intensive processes.
show memory allocating-processShows memory allocation statistics for individual processes running on the ASA. Helpful for troubleshooting memory leaks.
show disk0:Displays information about the disk0: filesystem, including total disk space, used space, and available space.
show disk0: filesystemProvides detailed information about the disk0: filesystem, including file system type, total blocks, and blocks used.
show disk0: filesystem usageShows disk space usage statistics for the disk0: filesystem, including total space, used space, and available space.
show disk0: filesystem fragmentationDisplays fragmentation information for the disk0: filesystem, including fragmentation percentage and number of fragments.
show flash:Displays information about the flash: filesystem, including total flash memory, used space, and available space.
show flash: filesystemProvides detailed information about the flash: filesystem, including file system type, total blocks, and blocks used.
show flash: filesystem usageShows flash space usage statistics for the flash: filesystem, including total space, used space, and available space.
show flash: filesystem fragmentationDisplays fragmentation information for the flash: filesystem, including fragmentation percentage and number of fragments.
show crashinfoDisplays information about crash files stored in memory or on disk, including crash time, reason, and associated processes.
show crashinfo detailProvides detailed information about crash files, including crash dump contents, stack traces, and memory state at the time of the crash.
show crashinfo crashdiskDisplays crash files stored on disk and their details, including crash time, reason, and associated processes.
show crashinfo crashdisk <file_name>Displays detailed information about a specific crash file stored on disk.
show versionShows the hardware and software version of the ASA, including the model, serial number, operating system version, and licensed features.
show platform hardwareDisplays hardware information about the ASA platform, including CPU type, memory size, and installed hardware modules.
show platform hardware chassis-infoProvides chassis information for the ASA platform, including serial number, asset ID, and hardware revision.
show platform hardware throughputShows throughput capacity and limitations of the ASA hardware platform.
show platform hardware throughput levelDisplays the current throughput level configured on the ASA hardware platform.
show environmentProvides environmental information about the ASA, including temperature, voltage, and fan status.
show environment temperatureDisplays temperature sensor readings for various components on the ASA.
show environment fanShows fan status and RPM (revolutions per minute) readings for fan units installed in the ASA.
show environment power-supplyProvides power supply status and voltage readings for power supply units installed in the ASA.
show ioDisplays input/output (I/O) statistics for various interfaces and subsystems on the ASA, including interface counters and throughput.
show io eth0/0Provides detailed I/O statistics for a specific Ethernet interface on the ASA.
show crypto isakmp saDisplays active ISAKMP security associations (SAs).
show crypto ipsec saDisplays active IPsec security associations (SAs).
show crypto engineProvides information about cryptographic hardware accelerators.
show crypto key mypubkey rsaDisplays the RSA public key for the ASA.
show crypto key mypubkey rsa <key_id>Shows a specific RSA public key identified by its key ID.
show crypto key mypubkey ecDisplays the Elliptic Curve (EC) public key for the ASA.
show crypto key mypubkey ec <key_id>Shows a specific EC public key identified by its key ID.
show crypto key pubkey-chain rsaDisplays the RSA public key chain for the ASA.
show crypto key pubkey-chain ecDisplays the EC public key chain for the ASA.
show crypto ca certificatesShows information about certificates stored in the ASA’s certificate authority (CA) trustpoint.
show crypto ca certificate <certificate_name>Displays details of a specific certificate stored in the CA trustpoint.
show crypto ca certificate chain <certificate_name>Shows the certificate chain for a specific certificate.
show crypto ca trustpointDisplays information about configured CA trustpoints.
show crypto ca trustpoint <trustpoint_name>Shows details of a specific CA trustpoint.
show vpn-sessiondbDisplays information about active VPN sessions.
show vpn-sessiondb detailShows detailed information about active VPN sessions.
show vpn-sessiondb filter protocol <protocol>Filters VPN sessions based on the specified protocol (e.g., IKEv1, IKEv2, SSL).
show vpn-sessiondb filter group-policy <group_policy_name>Filters VPN sessions based on the assigned group policy.
show vpn-sessiondb filter username <username>Filters VPN sessions based on the username.
show vpn-sessiondb filter state <session_state>Filters VPN sessions based on session state (e.g., UP, DOWN).
show vpn-sessiondb filter bytesFilters VPN sessions based on the amount of data transferred during the session.
show vpn-sessiondb filter durationFilters VPN sessions based on session duration.
show crypto isakmp policyDisplays configured ISAKMP (IKE Phase 1) policies.
show crypto ipsec transform-setShows configured IPsec transform sets.
show crypto mapDisplays configured crypto maps and associated parameters.
show crypto map interface <interface>Shows the applied crypto map on a specific interface.
show crypto dynamic-mapDisplays configured dynamic crypto maps.
show crypto isakmp keyShows preshared keys configured for ISAKMP authentication.
show crypto map tag <tag>Displays the configuration of a specific crypto map identified by its tag.
show crypto session detailShows detailed information about active crypto sessions.
Last updated on 9 Feb 2024
Published on 9 Feb 2024