Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.


Check Point Firewall NTP Time

NTP Overview

NTP works based on a tier of upstream time servers defined as strata. Strata 1 is the most accurate and uses specialized timing such as satellite sync. Strata 2 asks strata 1 and so on, down to strata 16 which are considered unreliable.

Best practice is to have 4-10 time servers for the most accurate time sync.

Version 4 is the latest version and is backwards compatible with Version 3. V3 and V4 use security that V1 and V2 do not use.

Time is important for cryptographic functions, certificates, log reporting and many other activities.

NTP works over port 123/UDP

Verify and Compare

This is the basic check. If these are the same, no action is needed.

hwclock and /bin/date should both report the actual, accurate time

Use watch and a command like the below to verify multiple cluster members at the same time.

[Expert@fw:0]# /bin/date && hwclock && clish -c "show clock"
Fri Sep  2 16:37:40 EDT 2022
Fri Sep  2 16:29:37 2022  -0.410451 seconds
Fri Sep  2 16:37:41 2022 EDT


[Expert@fw:0]# ntpstat
synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 6
    time correct to within 1350 ms
    polling server every 64 s

To see details

[Expert@fw:0]# ntpstat -pn
  remote    refid      st t  when  poll reach   delay     offset    jitter
==============================================================================================     5 u   55    64    1      0.130    81.994    10.212     5 u   55    64    1      0.130    81.994    10.212

Reach should show “377” (it will show 1, until it has enough checks completed) Jitter should be under 100

Check Syncronization

“unspecified” is an error. Normally it shows the peer it is synchronized to.

[Expert@fw:0]# ntpstat
synchronised to unspecified at stratum 6
   time correct to within 19539 ms
   polling server every 1024 s

A normal view would look similar to this:

[Expert@fw]# ntpstat
synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 6
   time correct to within 563 ms
   polling server every 512 s

This should say synchronized, but is showing instead an error:

[Expert@fw:0]# clish -c "show ntp current"
primary and secondary servers are not synchronized

A normal display looks like this:

[Expert@fw]# clish -c "show ntp current"

Verify Peer Information

See sk92602 for additional info about check point ntp.

Enter ntpq shell:

[Expert@fw:0]# ntpq

Jitter should be closer to 100 than 1600, preferably 0 Remote is the peer being asked st is the stratum (5) Poll is the poll interval (1024) Reach is an octal number representing the last 8 checks (377 is good)

n=`eval printf "%d" 0377`; dc -e "$n 2op"
ntpq> peers
     remote      refid    st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
==============================================================================   5 u  561 1024  377    0.485  505392. 1668.19   5 u  973 1024  377    0.531  505164. 1636.34

View Associations

Look up information such as status 902a, reject, reach (if no), etc

ntpq> as

ind assid status  conf reach auth condition  last_event cnt
  1 19764  902a   yes   yes  none    reject    sys_peer  2
  2 19765  901a   yes   yes  none    reject    sys_peer  1

View Association Details

You can see details of an association ID by using the rv command followed by the id to investigate.

ntpq> rv 19764
associd=19764 status=902a conf, reach, sel_reject, 2 events, sys_peer,, srcport=123, dstadr=,
dstport=123, leap=00, stratum=5, precision=-6, rootdelay=101.913,
rootdisp=442.612, refid=,
reftime=e6bce606.cdded35f  Fri, Sep  2 2022 16:28:54.804,
rec=e6bce514.302f5589  Fri, Sep  2 2022 16:24:52.188, reach=377,
unreach=0, hmode=3, pmode=4, hpoll=10, ppoll=10, headway=0,
flash=400 peer_dist, keyid=0, offset=505392.555, delay=0.485,
dispersion=35.156, jitter=1668.194, xleave=0.017,
filtdelay=     0.52    0.48    0.63    0.51    0.61    1.70    0.47    0.49,
filtoffset= 505850. 505392. 504913. 504309. 504085. 503571. 503105. 502633.,
filtdisp=     15.63   31.77   47.95   63.91   80.10   96.16  112.00  127.60

Look up the flash codes

400 means “peer distance too far”, or it took longer than 1.5s somewhere in the ntp stratum. I tested this one and can see that it’s responding quickly to the one listed, so somewhere upstream there is an issue.

Jitter should be much lower, closer to 100 or less. Ideally 0. Offset should be very low. Other firewalls were at 0 to 62, not 504k A normal display looks closer to this:

[Expert@fw:0]# ntpq
ntpq> peers
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
==============================================================================      4 u    -  512  377    0.333  -96.279  22.539
*      5 u   93  512  377    0.192  -46.625  54.705

ntpq> as

ind assid status  conf reach auth condition  last_event cnt
  1 31475  945a   yes   yes  none candidate    sys_peer  5
  2 31476  962a   yes   yes  none  sys.peer    sys_peer  2

ntpq> rv 31476
associd=31476 status=962a conf, reach, sel_sys.peer, 2 events, sys_peer,, srcport=123, dstadr=,
dstport=123, leap=00, stratum=5, precision=-6, rootdelay=101.837,
rootdisp=331.848, refid=,
reftime=e6bcfad2.39ace174  Fri, Sep  2 2022 17:57:38.225,
rec=e6bcfbbf.cd2f8961  Fri, Sep  2 2022 18:01:35.801, reach=377,
unreach=0, hmode=3, pmode=4, hpoll=9, ppoll=9, headway=0, flash=00 ok,
keyid=0, offset=-46.625, delay=0.192, dispersion=30.557, jitter=54.705,
filtdelay=     0.35    0.20    0.19    0.30    0.99    0.22    0.59    0.23,
filtoffset= -123.04  -32.50  -46.62  -81.62  -71.75 -125.02 -125.67  -20.92,
filtdisp=     15.63   23.55   31.33   39.39   47.53   55.27   63.21   67.18

Review Syslogs

Ntpd by default reports to syslog, which will show up in /var/log/messages. Make sure you are looking the right log as it rotates frequently:

[Expert@fw:0]# pwd
[Expert@fw:0]# ls -alF messages*
-rw------- 1 admin root  781436 Sep  2 17:13 messages
-rw-rw-r-- 1 admin root 1073280 Sep  1 10:56 messages.1
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin root 1057555 Aug 17 18:12 messages.10
-rw-rw-r-- 1 admin root 1049662 Aug 30 17:23 messages.2
-rw-rw-r-- 1 admin root 1120658 Aug 29 04:31 messages.3
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin root 1056547 Aug 27 10:18 messages.4
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin root 1048903 Aug 26 14:43 messages.5
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin root 1056799 Aug 24 13:01 messages.6
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin root 1105503 Aug 22 21:49 messages.7
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin root 1063438 Aug 21 03:36 messages.8
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin root 1053111 Aug 19 09:24 messages.9

View the log entries with grep:

[Expert@fw:0]# grep ntp messages
[Expert@fw:0]# grep ntp messages.1
[Expert@fw:0]# grep ntp messages.2

Finally something is found in messages.10

[Expert@fw:0]# grep ntp messages.10
Aug 16 08:29:20 2022 fw ntpd[10283]: 0613 03 spike_detect +0.132155 s
Aug 16 08:48:48 2022 fw ntpd[10283]: 0618 08 no_sys_peer
Aug 16 09:22:03 2022 fw ntpd[10283]: 061c 0c clock_step -0.135575 s
Aug 16 09:22:03 2022 fw ntpd[10283]: 0615 05 clock_sync
Aug 16 09:22:04 2022 fw ntpd[10283]: c618 08 no_sys_peer
Aug 16 10:34:29 2022 fw ntpd[10283]: 0613 03 spike_detect -0.192106 s
Aug 16 10:51:52 2022 fw ntpd[10283]: 061c 0c clock_step -0.130591 s
Aug 16 10:51:52 2022 fw ntpd[10283]: 0615 05 clock_sync
Aug 16 10:51:53 2022 fw ntpd[10283]: c618 08 no_sys_peer
Aug 16 17:54:12 2022 fw ntpd[10283]: 0613 03 spike_detect -0.160660 s
Aug 16 18:29:18 2022 fw ntpd[10283]: 061c 0c clock_step -0.160506 s

Verify Process is Running

[Expert@fw:0]# ps -ef | grep ntp | grep -v grep
admin   10283  10262   0   Aug08   ?   00:00:02 /usr/sbin/ntpd -n -g -c /etc/ntp.conf

View Generated Configs

Do not edit this file, but it gives us clues to the ntp configuration:

[Expert@fw:0]# cat /etc/ntp.conf
#  Generated by /bin/ntp_xlate on Mon Aug  8 14:56:15 2022
restrict default ignore
server version 1  iburst
restrict nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
server version 1 prefer iburst
restrict nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
driftfile       /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift

View GAIA Config

Some of our firewalls are using version 1 and some are using version 4. A packet capture shows that at least one of them is wrong:

[Expert@fw:0]# clish -c "show configuration" | grep ntp
set ntp active on
set ntp server primary version 1
set ntp server secondary version 1

Verify with packet capture

[Expert@fw:0]# tcpdump -nnei eth1 host and port 123
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes

18:19:13.817108 e4:43:4b:35:85:64 > 00:00:0c:07:ac:02, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 90: > NTPv1, Client, length 48
18:19:13.817497 d8:67:d9:6f:5e:c3 > e4:43:4b:35:85:64, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 90: > NTPv3, Server, length 48

Note: I have updated firewalls to version 4 (as it is backwards compatible with v3)

How to Update Time

Method 1 (all linux):


Method 2 (clish only):

[Expert@fw:0]# clish -c "set time 16:43:00"

Verify Time is Now Accurate:

In monitoring for about an hour, time drifted almost 30 seconds. (this is of course a problem!)

[Expert@fw:0]# /bin/date && hwclock && clish -c "show clock"
Fri Sep  2 17:39:40 EDT 2022
Fri Sep  2 17:38:37 2022  -0.410451 seconds
Fri Sep  2 17:39:41 2022 EDT

Restart NTPD

If you need to issue a restart to the daemon, it will not affect traffic and can be done as a last resort to see if synchronization begins again:

[Expert@fw:0]# service ntpd restart
Shutting down ntpd:                                        [  OK  ]
Starting ntpd:                                             [  OK  ]

Note, in my example, the fw took almost an hour to finally synchronize with it’s peer. Here is the final (notice jitter and condition compared to before restart)

[Expert@fw:0]# ntpq -pn
  remote    refi      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
+    5 u   54   64  377    0.453   81.406  59.110
*    5 u   50   64  377    0.433  -10.227  35.042

[Expert@fw:0]# ntpq

ntpq> as

ind assid status  conf reach auth condition  last_event cnt
  1 17773  942a   yes   yes  none candidate    sys_peer  2
  2 17774  964a   yes   yes  none  sys.peer    sys_peer  4
ntpq> rv 17774
associd=17774 status=964a conf, reach, sel_sys.peer, 4 events, sys_peer,, srcport=123, dstadr=,
dstport=123, leap=00, stratum=5, precision=-6, rootdelay=101.837,
rootdisp=341.904, refid=,
reftime=e6bcfef7.a46a3d8b  Fri, Sep  2 2022 18:15:19.642,
rec=e6bcff1a.98b22ecd  Fri, Sep  2 2022 18:15:54.596, reach=377,
unreach=0, hmode=3, pmode=4, hpoll=6, ppoll=6, headway=377, flash=00 ok,
keyid=0, offset=25.854, delay=0.465, dispersion=19.263, jitter=27.590,
filtdelay=     0.51    0.56    0.48    0.61    0.46    0.50    0.49    0.67,
filtoffset=   93.03   36.19   32.23   25.28   25.85   24.16   17.26    1.55,
filtdisp=     15.63   16.66   17.70   18.70   19.69   20.70   21.73   22.77

ntpq> quit

Verify Time Again

[Expert@fw:0]# /bin/date && hwclock && clish -c "show clock"
Fri Sep  2 18:39:40 EDT 2022
Fri Sep  2 18:39:40 2022  -0.410451 seconds
Fri Sep  2 18:39:40 2022 EDT