Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.

cphaprob show_bond

Expert@SITE1-VSXFW01-ch01-01:1]# vsenv 2
Context is set to Virtual Device  (ID 2).

[Expert@SITE1-VSXFW01-ch01-01:2]# cphaprob show_bond

                                      |Slaves     |Slaves  |Slaves
Bond name  |Mode               |State |configured |link up |required
bond16.405 | High Availability | UP!  | 2         | 0      | 1
bond15.908 | High Availability | UP!  | 2         | 0      | 1
bond17.417 | High Availability | UP!  | 2         | 0      | 1

UP!               - Bond interface state is UP, yet attention is required
Slaves configured - number of slave interfaces configured on the bond
Slaves link up    - number of operational slaves
Slaves required   - minimal number of operational slaves required for bond to be UP