Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.

Check Point VSX


Fetch Current Config

applies to gateway

vsx fetch

Unload a Policy

fw -vs <id> unloadlocal

Get ID/Status of VSX

fw vsx stat -v <id> (verbose)
fw vsx stat -l <id> (detailed list)

Fetch Current Config from Gateway

fw vsx fetchvs -q <id> (summary)
fw vsx fetchvs -v <id> (verbose)

Reset SIC

vsenv 1
vsx sic reset

get current shell context

vsx get

set current shell context

vsx set <id>

Show Current Policy

fw -vs <id> stat

Show Stat, SIC, COnnections

fw vsx stats -vs <id>

show connections

fw -vs <id> tab -t connecitons -s


cpinfo -x <id>

show vsx_util help

vsx_util -h

Change VSX Environment

set virtual-system <id>
vsenv <id>

view cluster info

cphaprob -vs <id> state

fw monitor

fw monitor -v <id> -e 'accept;'

Articles, Tips, Tricks in the Check Point VSX Category: