show smo verifiers
show smo verifiers list
[Expert@MyChassis-ch0x-0x:0]# gclish
[Global] MyChassis-ch01-01 > show smo verifiers list
| ID | Title | Command |
| System Components |
| 1 | System Health | asg stat -v |
| 2 | Resources | asg resource |
| 3 | Software Provision | asg_provision |
| 4 | Media Details | transceiver_verifier -v |
| 5 | SSD Health | asg resource --ssd |
| Policy and Configuration |
| 6 | Distribution Mode | distutil verify -v |
| 7 | DXL Balance | dxl stat |
| 8 | Policy | asg policy verify -a |
| 9 | AMW Policy | asg policy verify_amw -a |
| 10 | SWB Updates | asg_swb_update_verifier -v |
| 11 | Installation | installation_verify |
| 12 | Security Group | security_group_util diag |
| 13 | Cores Distribution | cores_verifier |
| 14 | Clock | clock_verifier -v |
| 15 | Licenses | asg_license_verifier -v |
| 16 | IPS Enhancement | asg_ips_enhance status |
| 17 | Configuration File | config_verify -v |
| VSX Configuration |
| 18 | USER KERNEL Dist | distutil verify_vsx_dist |
| 19 | HW Utilization | hw_utilization -d |
| 20 | BMAC VMAC verify | mac_verifier -x |
| Networking |
| 21 | MAC Setting | mac_verifier -v |
| 22 | ARP Consistency | asg_arp -v |
| 23 | Bond | asg_bond -v |
| 24 | IPv4 Route | asg_route |
| 25 | IPv6 Route | asg_route -6 |
| 26 | Dynamic Routing | asg_dr_verifier |
| 27 | Local ARP | asg_local_arp_verifier -v |
| 28 | IGMP Consistency | asg_igmp |
| 29 | PIM Neighbors | asg_pim_neighbors |
| Misc |
| 30 | Core Dumps | core_dump_verifier -v |
| 31 | Performance hogs | asg_perf_hogs |
| Run "show smo verifiers print id <TestNum>" to display test output |
[Global] MyChassis-ch01-01 >
show smo verifiers report
Report of tests
[Expert@MyChassis-ch0x-0x:0]# gclish
[Global] MyChassis-ch01-01 > show smo verifiers report
Duration of tests vary and may take a few minutes to complete
| Tests Status |
| ID | Title | Result | Reason |
| System Components |
| 1 | System Health | Failed (!) | (1)Chassis 1 error |
| 2 | Resources | Passed | |
| 3 | Software Provision | Passed | |
| 4 | Media Details | Passed | |
| 5 | SSD Health | Passed | (1)Failed to get SSD overall-health t |
| | | | est result from Member |
| Policy and Configuration |
| 6 | Distribution Mode | Failed (!) | (1)Verifier error - Check raw output |
| 7 | DXL Balance | Passed | |
| 8 | Policy | Passed | |
| 9 | AMW Policy | Passed | (1)Not configured |
| 10 | SWB Updates | Passed | (1)Not configured |
| 11 | Installation | Passed | |
| 12 | Security Group | Passed | |
| 13 | Cores Distribution | Passed | |
| 14 | Clock | Passed | |
| 15 | Licenses | Failed (!) | (1)Trial license will expire within 2 |
| | | | weeks |
| | | | (2)Execution error |
| 16 | IPS Enhancement | Passed | |
| 17 | Configuration File | Passed | |
| VSX Configuration |
| 18 | USER KERNEL Dist | Failed (!) | |
| 19 | HW Utilization | Failed (!) | (1)Execution error |
| 20 | BMAC VMAC verify | Passed | |
| Networking |
| 21 | MAC Setting | Passed | |
... output was truncated for brevity ...
| Misc |
| 30 | Core Dumps | Failed (!) | |
| 31 | Performance hogs | Failed (!) | |
| Tests Summary |
| Passed: 24/31 tests |
| Run: "show smo verifiers list id 1,6,15,18,19,30,31" to view a complete list |
| of failed tests |
| Output file: /var/log/verifier_sum.1-31.2019-02-07_18-35-22.txt |
| Run "show smo verifiers last-run print" to display verbose output |
[Global] MyChassis-ch01-01 >