Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.



PIM information and multicast routes for all interfaces and Security Group Members

[Expert@MyChassis-ch0x-0x:0]# gclish
[Global] MyChassis-ch01-01> asg_pim
|PIM (All SGMs)                                                                        |
|source     |dest        |Mode      |Flags|In. intf |RPF       |Out. intf   |State     |
| | |Dense-Mode|L|M  |eth1-01  |none      |            |          |
| | |Dense-Mode|L|M  |eth1-02  |none      |eth1-01     |Forwarding|
| | |Dense-Mode|L|M  |eth1-02  |none      |eth1-01     |Forwarding|
|           |            |          |     |         |          |eth2-01     |Forwarding|
Flags: L - Local source, M - MFC State

asg_pim -i eth1-02 -b all

PIM Information for the specific interface on all Security Group Members

[Expert@MyChassis-ch0x-0x:0]# asg_pim -i eth1-02 -b all
|PIM (All SGMs)                                                                        |
|SGM 1_01                                                                              |
|source     |dest        |Mode      |Flags|In. intf |RPF       |Out. intf   |State     |
| | |Dense-Mode|L|M  |eth1-02  |none      |eth1-01     |Forwarding|
| | |Dense-Mode|L    |eth1-02  |none      |eth1-01     |Forwarding|
|           |            |          |     |         |          |eth2-01     |Forwarding|
|SGM 1_02                                                                              |
|source     |dest        |Mode      |Flags|In. intf |RPF       |Out. intf   |State     |
| | |Dense-Mode|L|M  |eth1-02  |none      |eth1-01     |Forwarding|
| | |Dense-Mode|L|M  |eth1-02  |none      |eth1-01     |Forwarding|
|           |            |          |     |         |          |eth2-01     |Forwarding|

asg_pim neighbors

Shows PIM neighbors

[Expert@MyChassis-ch0x-0x:0]# gclish
[Global] MyChassis-ch01-01> asg_pim neighbors
|PIM Neighbors (All SGMs)                                                              |
|Verification:                                                                         |
|Neighbors Verification: Passed - Neighbors are identical on all blades                |
|Neighbor            |Interface           |Holdtime            |Expires(min-max)       |
|            |bond1               |105                 |11:36:45-11:37:59      |
[Global] MyChassis-ch01-01>