Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.

asg stat


Use the “asg stat” command in Gaia gClish or the Expert mode to show the state of the system and hardware components.

The command output shows:

Security GatewayClosed Mode (Gateway or VSXClosed)

Number of members in the Security GroupClosed

Number of Virtual Systems

Information related to VSX configuration


Software Version

asg stat -i sgm_info

1_1 (local) Active

asg stat -i all_sync_ips


asg stat -v

Example output from a Dual Site configuration - top section

This output shows a Security Group with 12 Security Group Members in the Active (UP) state (out of total 12).

The Site #1 is Active. The Site #2 is Standby.

[Expert@MyChassis-ch0x-0x:0]# asg stat -v
| System Status - Maestro                                                      |
| Chassis Mode                | Active Up                                      |
| Up time                     | 21:30:50 hours                                 |
| SGMs                        | 12/12                                          |
| Version                     | R81 (Build Number XXX)                    |
| SGM ID             Chassis 1                          Chassis 2              |
|                    ACTIVE                             STANDBY                |
|  1                   ACTIVE                             ACTIVE               |
|  2                   ACTIVE                             ACTIVE               |
|  3                   ACTIVE                             ACTIVE               |
|  4                   ACTIVE                             ACTIVE               |
|  5                   ACTIVE                             ACTIVE               |
|  6                   ACTIVE                             ACTIVE               |
... output was truncated for brevity - the example continues below ...
Example output from a Single Site configuration - top section

This output shows a Security Group with 30 Security Group Members in the Active (UP) state (out of total 30).

[Expert@MyChassis-ch0x-0x:0]# asg stat -v
| System Status - Maestro                                                      |
| Up time                     | 02:10:39 hours                                 |
| SGMs                        | 30/30                                          |
| Version                     | R81 (Build Number XXX)                    |
| SGM ID                              Chassis 1                                |
|                                     ACTIVE                                   |
|  1                                    ACTIVE                                 |
|  2                                    ACTIVE                                 |
|  3                                    ACTIVE                                 |
... output was truncated for brevity ...
|  30                                   ACTIVE                                 |

… output was truncated for brevity - the example continues below … Explanation about the output:




Identifier of the Security Group Member.

The (local) is the Security Group Member, on which you ran the command.


State of the Security Group Member:

ACTIVE - The Security Group Member is processing traffic

DOWN - The Security Group Member is not processing traffic

Detached - No Security Group Member is detected in a slot

Note - To change manually the state of the Security Group Member, use the “g_clusterXL_admin” command (see Configuring the Cluster State (g_clusterXL_admin)).

Example output from a Dual Site configuration - bottom section

… output was truncated for brevity - the example starts above …

| Chassis Parameters                                                           |
| Unit        |        Chassis 1          |        Chassis 2          | Weight |
| SGMs        |          6 / 6            |          6 / 6            |   6    |
| Ports       |                           |                           |        |
|   Standard  |          5 / 5            |          5 / 5            |  11    |
|   Bond      |          0 / 0            |          0 / 0            |  11    |
|   Other     |          0 / 0            |          0 / 0            |   6    |
| Sensors     |                           |                           |        |
|   SSMs      |          2 / 2            |          2 / 2            |  11    |
|             |                           |                           |        |
| Grade       |        113 / 113          |        113 / 113          |   -    |
| Minimum grade gap for chassis failover:                               11     |
| Synchronization                                                              |
|     Sync to Active chassis:    Enabled                                       |
|     Sync to Standby chassis:   Enabled                                       |
| Chassis HA mode:              Active Up                                      |
Example output from a Single Site configuration - bottom section

... output was truncated for brevity - the example starts above ...
| Chassis Parameters                                                           |
| Unit        |                      Chassis 1                        | Weight |
| SGMs        |                       30 / 30                         |   6    |
| Ports       |                                                       |        |
|   Standard  |                        4 / 4                          |  11    |
|   Bond      |                        0 / 0                          |  11    |
|   Other     |                        0 / 0                          |   6    |
| Sensors     |                                                       |        |
|   SSMs      |                        2 / 2                          |  11    |
|             |                                                       |        |
| Grade       |                      246 / 246                        |   -    |
| Synchronization                                                              |
|     Sync to Active chassis:    Enabled                                       |