Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.

asg perf

asg perf

Summary without Parameters (asg perf)

[Expert@MyChassis-ch0x-0x:0]# gclish
[Global] MyChassis-ch01-01> asg perf
Thu May 21 08:17:24 IDT 2015
Aggregated statistics (IPv4 Only) of SGMs: chassis_active VSs: 0
|Performance Summary                                           |
|Name                                          |Value          |
|Throughput                                    |751.6 K        |
|Packet rate                                   |733            |
|Connection rate                               |3              |
|Concurrent connections                        |142            |
|Load average                                  |2%             |
|Acceleration load (avg/min/max)               |1%/0%/4%       |
|Instances load (avg/min/max)                  |2%/0%/8%       |
|Memory usage                                  |10%            |
 * Instances / Acceleration Cores: 8 / 4
 * Activated SWB: FW,IPS
[Global] MyChassis-ch01-01>


By default, absolute values are shown.

Unless otherwise specified, the combined statistics for IPv4 and IPv6 are shown.

When no Security Group Members are specified, performance statistics are shown for the Active Security Group Member only.

asg perf -v

Performance Summary (asg perf -v)

[Expert@MyChassis-ch0x-0x:0]# gclish
[Global] MyChassis-ch01-01> asg perf -vs all -v -vv cpu 24h
Tue Oct 22 07:23:37 IST 2013
Aggregated statistics (IPv4 and IPv6) of SGMs: chassis_active Virtual Systems: 0
|Performance Summary                                                      |
|Name                                         |Value        |IPv4%        |
|Throughput                                   |10.2 K       |100%         |
|Packet rate                                  |11           |100%         |
|Connection rate                              |0            |N/A          |
|Concurrent connections                       |22           |100%         |
|Load average                                 |7%           |             |
|Acceleration load (avg/min/max)              |6%/6%/6%     |             |
|Instances load (avg/min/max)                 |5%/4%/9%     |             |
|Memory usage                                 |55%          |             |
|Per SGM Distribution Summary                                             |
|SGM  |Throughput |Packet  |Conn.   |Concu.  |Accel.    |Instances |Mem.  |
|ID   |           |Rate    |Rate    |Conn    |Cores%    |Cores%    |Usage%|
|1_01 |10.2 K     |11      |0       |22      |6/6/6     |5/4/9     |55%   |
|Total|10.2 K     |11      |0       |22      |6/6/6     |5/4/9     |55%   |
|Per VS CPU Usage Summary           |
|VS ID|Avg. Cpu%|Min. Cpu%|Max. Cpu%|
|     |         |(SGM id) |(SGM id) |
| 0   |2        |1  (1_02)|2  (1_01)|
| 1   |0        |0  (1_01)|0  (1_04)|
* CPU stats is aggregated over the last 24hrs
[Global] MyChassis-ch01-01>

Make sure to enable the resource control monitoring on all Security Group Members.

Run in the Expert mode on the Security Group:

g_fw vsx resctrl monitor enable

By default, absolute values are shown.


Average, minimum and maximum values are calculated across all active Security Group Members.

The Security Group Member ID with the minimum and maximum value shows in brackets for each Security Group Member.

Unless otherwise specified, the combined statistics for both IPv4 and IPv6 are shown.

When no Security Group Members are specified, performance statistics are shown for the active Security Group Member only.

asg perf -p

Detailed Statistics and Traffic Distribution (asg perf -p) This example the output for the Virtual Systems 0 and 1.

[Expert@MyChassis-ch0x-0x:0]# gclish
[Global] MyChassis-ch01-01> asg perf -vs 0-1 -p
Aggregated statistics (IPv4 and IPv6) of SGMs: all Virtual Systems: 0-1
|Performance Summary                                                      |
|Name                                        |Value          |IPv4%       |
|Throughput                                  |1.7 K          |100%        |
|Packet rate                                 |2              |100%        |
|Connection rate                             |0              |N/A         |
|Concurrent connections                      |20             |100%        |
|Load average                                |6%             |            |
|Acceleration load (avg/min/max)             |5%/5%/5%       |            |
|Instances load (avg/min/max)                |5%/3%/10%      |            |
|Memory usage                                |57%            |            |
|Per Path Distribution Summary                                            |
|                  |Acceleration|Medium        |Firewall      |Dropped    |
|Throughput        |0           |0             |1.7 K         |0          |
|Packet rate       |0           |0             |2             |0          |
|Connection rate   |0           |0             |0             |           |
|Concurrent conn.  |10          |0             |10            |           |
[Global] MyChassis-ch01-01>

asg perf -p -v

Per Path Statistics (asg perf -p -v) This example shows detailed performance information for each Security Group Member and traffic distribution between different paths. It also shows VPN throughput and connections.

[Expert@MyChassis-ch0x-0x:0]# gclish
[Global] MyChassis-ch01-01> asg perf -p -v
Tue Oct 22 07:31:31 IST 2013
Aggregated statistics (IPv4 and IPv6) of SGMs: chassis_active Virtual Systems: 0
|Performance Summary                                          |
|Name                                    |Value               |
|Throughput                              |3.3 G               |
|Packet rate                             |6.2 M               |
|Connection rate                         |0                   |
|Concurrent connections                  |3.4 K               |
|Load average                            |54%                 |
|Acceleration load (avg/min/max)         |58%/48%/68%         |
|Instances load (avg/min/max)            |3%/1%/5%            |
|Memory usage                            |18%                 |
|Per SGM Distribution Summary                                                           |
|SGM ID |Throughput  |Packet rate |Conn.|Concurrent |Core usage   |Core Instances|Memory|
|       |            |            |Rate |Connections|avg/min/max %|avg/min/max % |Usage |
|1_01   |644.3 M     |1.2 M       |0    |520        |52/44/62     |6/3/10        |18%   |
|1_02   |526.7 M     |997.1 K     |0    |512        |61/51/68     |2/0/5         |18%   |
|1_03   |526.6 M     |997.0 K     |0    |512        |62/53/73     |2/1/3         |18%   |
|1_04   |526.7 M     |997.0 K     |0    |804        |54/48/60     |2/1/3         |18%   |
|1_05   |526.7 M     |997.1 K     |0    |512        |59/45/76     |3/1/5         |18%   |
|1_06   |526.7 M     |997.1 K     |0    |512        |61/52/70     |4/4/5         |18%   |
|Total  |3.3 G       |6.2 M       |0    |3.4 K      |58/48/68     |3/1/5         |18%   |
|Per Path Distribution Summary                                                      |
|                         |Acceleration|Medium      |Firewall    |Dropped           |
|Throughput               |3.2 G       |0           |2.1 M       |117.6 M           |
|Packet rate              |6.0 M       |0           |1.4 K       |222.8 K           |
|Connection rate          |0           |0           |0           |                  |
|Concurrent connections   |3.2 K       |0           |156         |                  |
|VPN Performance                                              |
|VPN throughput                          |2.9 G               |
|VPN connections                         |3.1 K               |
[Global] MyChassis-ch01-01>

asg perf -vs all -vv mem

Virtual System Memory Summary with Performance Summary (asg perf -vs all -vv mem) The “-vv mem” parameter shows memory usage for each Virtual System across all active Security Group Members.

[Expert@MyChassis-ch0x-0x:0]# gclish
[Global] MyChassis-ch01-01> asg perf -vs all -vv mem
Tue Jul 29 16:05:44 IDT 2014
Aggregated statistics (IPv4 Only) of SGMs: chassis_active VSs: all
|Performance Summary                                           |
|Name                                          |Value          |
|Throughput                                    |684.5 K        |
|Packet rate                                   |700            |
|Connection rate                               |3              |
|Concurrent connections                        |144            |
|Load average                                  |2%             |
|Acceleration load (avg/min/max)               |0%/0%/1%       |
|Instances load (avg/min/max)                  |2%/0%/12%      |
|Memory usage                                  |10%            |
 * Instances / Acceleration Cores: 8 / 4
|Per VS Memory Summary                                                     |
| VS ID  | User Space  | Memory in   | FWK memory  | Total memory| CPU     |
|        | memory      | Kernel      |             |             | Usage % |
|   0 max|222.3M (1_01)|1.658G (1_04)|47.11M (1_04)|1.880G (1_04)|   N/A   |
|     min|215.8M (1_03)|1.213G (1_01)|45.55M (1_03)|1.249G (1_01)|   N/A   |
|   1 max|56.34M (1_02)|   0K (1_04) |31.16M (1_02)|56.34M (1_02)|   N/A   |
|     min|54.24M (1_01)|   0K (1_04) |29.52M (1_03)|54.24M (1_01)|   N/A   |
* Maximum and minimum values are calculated across all active SGMs
[Global] MyChassis-ch01-01>


The Security Group Member that uses the most user space memory on Virtual System 1 is Security Group Member1_01

The Security Group Member that uses the least fwk daemon memory on Virtual System 3 is Security Group Member1_02

This information shows only if vsxmstat is enabled for perfanalyze use

Make sure that the vsxmstat feature is enabled (vsxmstat status_raw)