Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.

asg monitor

asg monitor -all

asg monitor -all

asg monitor -amw

Show policy info

[Expert@MyChassis-ch0x-0x:0]# asg monitor -amw
| System Status - Maestro                                                      |
| Up time                     | 12:03:48 hours                                 |
| SGMs                        | 2 / 2                                          |
| Version                     | R81 (Build Number XX)                     |
| FW Policy Date              | 21Feb19 14:37                                  |
| AMW Policy Date             | 21Feb19 14:37                                  |
| SGM ID                              Chassis 1                                |
|                                     ACTIVE                                   |
|  1                                    ACTIVE                                 |
|  2                                    ACTIVE                                 |

asg monitor -v

show Security group components

[Expert@MyChassis-ch0x-0x:0]# asg monitor -v
Thu Feb 21 21:07:11 IST 2019
| Chassis Parameters                                                           |
| Unit        |                      Chassis 1                        | Weight |
| SGMs        |                        2 / 2                          |   6    |
| Ports       |                                                       |        |
|   Standard  |                        8 / 8                          |  11    |
|   Bond      |                        0 / 0                          |  11    |
|   Mgmt      |                        1 / 1                          |  11    |
|   Mgmt Bond |                        0 / 0                          |  11    |
|   Other     |                        0 / 0                          |   6    |
| Sensors     |                                                       |        |
|   SSMs      |                        2 / 2                          |  11    |
|             |                                                       |        |
| Grade       |                      133 / 133                        |   -    |
| Synchronization                                                              |
|     Sync to Active chassis:    Enabled                                       |