Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.


General DNS Troubleshooting

Here is a general DNS troubleshooting checklist that you can follow to help identify and resolve issues with your DNS:

Verify that the hostname or IP address you are trying to access is correct.

Check the DNS records for the hostname or IP address you are trying to access to ensure they are correct. You can use tools like NSLOOKUP or DIG to do this.

Check the DNS configuration on your computer or network to ensure that the correct DNS servers are being used.

Check the network connection and hardware to ensure there are no issues with the cables, router, or network adapter.

Check for any issues with the DNS servers being used by your computer or network. You can do this by pinging the DNS servers and checking their response time.

Check for any issues with the DNS configuration on your computer or network. This could include incorrect DNS server settings, outdated DNS records, or misconfigured DNS zones.

Check the event logs for any error messages related to DNS. You can do this by going to the Event Viewer and looking under the “Windows Logs” > “System” section.

By following this checklist, you should be able to identify and resolve any issues with your DNS.

Windows DNS Troubleshooting

Here are some methods you can use to troubleshoot DNS performance on a Windows computer:

Use the NSLOOKUP or DIG command-line tools to perform DNS lookups and check the DNS records for specific hostnames or IP addresses. This can help you determine if the DNS records are correct and if the DNS server is responding correctly.

Use the “ipconfig” command to view the DNS configuration on your computer. This will show you the DNS servers that your computer is using and allow you to verify that they are correct.

Check the event logs for any error messages related to DNS. You can do this by going to the Event Viewer and looking under the “Windows Logs” > “System” section.

Check the performance of the DNS servers being used by your computer. You can do this by pinging the DNS servers and checking their response time. You can also use tools like MTR (My Traceroute) to trace the network path between your computer and the DNS servers and check for any issues.

Check for any issues with the network connection or hardware. This could include issues with the network adapter, cables, or router.

Check for any issues with the DNS configuration on your computer or network. This could include incorrect DNS server settings, outdated DNS records, or misconfigured DNS zones.

By using these methods, you should be able to identify and resolve any issues with DNS performance on your Windows computer.


dig -x

dig @DNS

dig @localhost

nslookup MX

nslookup -type=mx


Non-authoritative answer:    MX preference = 10, mail exchanger =    MX preference = 20, mail exchanger =

nslookup CNAME

        primary name server =
        responsible mail addr =
        serial  = 2017060116
        refresh = 28800 (8 hours)
        retry   = 7200 (2 hours)
        expire  = 604800 (7 days)
        default TTL = 600 (10 mins)