Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.

Fabric Open Source GPT

What is Fabric?

AI for dummies basically. It’s a framework that helps you utilize AI easier without requiring as much knowledge of chat prompts.

Fabric is an open source GPT that can be used from CLI and fed with a variety of resources.

Where it really shines is using multiple sources in an automated way. For example, piping a transcribed audio and running search agents then correlating data. These are all tasks you can do with AI right now, but fabric brings them together.

Use Case of Fabric

Review the patterns and you’ll see, but the one I use it for mostly is summarizing data so I know what to focus on. For example, I can have it summarize a 1 hour you tube training that is mind expanding (not technical specifics, but still containing useful gems), and then use AI to distill it down to the most imporant points, rate the content based on criteria I want, and even bookmark parts of the video I think I’ll probably want to review in detail.

Becaus Fabric is CLI I could easily run it from a CLI on various sets of data, using cron, curl, etc and my limits are not nearly as time bound as before when I try to learn.

Fabric is like a curation butler designed to provide you with rapid knowledge absorbtion.

Fabric Examples

Because summarizing a book or 1 hour video is still long, I put them at the bottom, but you can see the exact outputs. As AI improves, so will the output.

Fabric Setup

Base OS

wsl –install or from raspberry pi, or mac.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y

Get the Repo

git clone

Install Fabric

cd fabric
sudo apt install pipx
pipx install .
pipx ensurepath

Install Required Tools

sudo apt install ffmpeg

Setup Path/Environment

source ~/.bashrc

API Keys

Load API Keys

fabric --setup

Using Fabric

Basic Commands

fabric --help
fabric --listmodels

Example Models

Exact models can be specified with –model xxxx

GPT Models:

Sample Flag

-sstream data back to you immediately
-pspecify a pattern

Data is piped from text files such as youtube transcriptions, podcast transcriptions, various other text formats and files using the pipe | character.

Example Usage

<some input> | fabric -sp <some pattern>

Chat GPT from CLI

echo "Your intelligent, well formed, specific question with explicity desired results here" | fabric -sp ai

From xclip/pbpaste

xclip -selection clipboard -o | fabric -sp extract_wisdom
pbpaste | extract_wisdom

Get Youtube Transcripts

yt --transcript | fabric -sp extract_wisdom

Audio Transcripts

ts and ffmpeg to get audio transcribed, then pipe that to a pattern.

ts someaudio.file | extract_wisdom

AI Feeding AI

pbpaste | fabric -p summarize | fabric -s -p write_essay


Imagine queing up AI to do work, then feeding that work to the final AI to process it:

echo "Look for recent crypto coin trends and indicators of up/down valuation.  Then, using that research, write a 30 point most critical info in summary form that a beginning crypto investor needs to know.  Particularly look for indicators and proof of when value will go up and down." | fabric --agents

Custom Patterns

You can load your own patterns too by copying any of the above patterns to your local folder and then specifying the pattern directly. explains

Create a folder in the /patterns/ folder of your install, using the same file format and structure as an existing pattern, then modify it. Specify usage with the -p just like any other pattern.

Preloaded Patterns

There are many prebuilt patterns available, and you can create your own by reviewing those these tested prompts were used.

Pattern NameDescription
analyze_prose_jsonYou excel in evaluating content quality and providing ratings and improvement recommendations. Use cases include assessing novelty, clarity, and prose in writing.
analyze_threat_report_trendsYou are an expert in cybersecurity who identifies insightful info from threat reports. Use cases include report analysis, extracting trends, and identifying cybersecurity threats.
extract_wisdom_agentsAn advanced AI system coordinates teams of AI agents to extract insights from text on various philosophical and technological topics. Use cases include summarizing content, identifying key insights, quotes, habits, facts, references, takeaways, and recommendations.
summarize_paperThe tool adeptly reviews academic papers by summarizing their technical approaches, emphasizing key aspects like methodology, distinct features, experiments, and outcomes. Use cases: summarizing research goals, distilling methodologies, highlighting distinctive features, detailing experiments and results, and comparing advantages and limitations.
show_fabric_options_markmapFabric is an open-source framework for augmenting human abilities using AI by providing a configurable set of tools and patterns. Use cases include summarizing content, analyzing claims, generating essays, converting audio/video transcripts, and creating social media posts from various content inputs.
create_video_chaptersYou create conversation topics and timestamps from video transcripts. Use cases include video indexing, content summarization, and enhancing viewer navigation.
create_security_updateYou create concise security updates for newsletters by following organized steps for reading and summarizing content. Use cases include summarizing cybersecurity stories, identifying threats and advisories, and highlighting new vulnerabilities.
create_show_introYou are a podcast producer specializing in crafting short intros by summarizing key themes and topics discussed in episodes. Use cases include podcast intros, episode summaries, highlight reels, and promotional material.
summarize_pull-requestsSummarize pull requests for coding projects, focusing on app dependencies, documentation improvements, and feature additions.
find_logical_fallaciesExpertise involves identifying fallacies, which are errors in reasoning, within a given text. Use cases include enhancing debate skills, improving critical thinking, and refining argumentative writing.
extract_article_wisdomYou extract insightful and interesting information from text content by following a detailed process. Use cases: summarize content, list ideas, quotes, facts, references, and recommendations.
create_npcYou are tasked with creatively generating comprehensive NPCs for D&D 5th edition. Use cases include crafting backgrounds, attributes, experiences, goals, and character stats.
write_nuclei_template_ruleNuclei templates are YAML files used in the Nuclei scanning engine for precise vulnerability checks across various protocols, aiding cybersecurity applications. Use cases include scanning for vulnerabilities like SSTI, XSS, Open Redirect, SSRF, and handling HTTP fuzzing, payloads, and dynamic data extraction.
summarize_rpg_sessionYou are an expert summarizer turning in-person RPG session transcripts into detailed summaries including key events, combat stats, character details, and more. Use cases include crafting heroic summaries, identifying combat and role-playing MVPs, listing significant events, and more.
extract_book_ideasSummarizes a book’s most important content by extracting and listing 50 to 100 insightful ideas. Use cases: generating book summaries, aiding in study guides, and providing quick references.
create_mermaid_visualizationExpert in data visualization translating complex concepts into Mermaid-markdown diagrams. Use cases: visualization of data flows, system architectures, and concept relationships.
analyze_prose_pinkerSteven Pinker’s book, The Sense of Style, offers an in-depth guide to writing effectively, emphasizing various styles and common pitfalls. Use cases include analyzing prose styles, rating clarity and coherence, identifying bad writing elements, and making improvement recommendations.
create_upgrade_packYou excel at extracting world model and task algorithm updates to gain valuable insights and practical wisdom. Use cases include identifying world model beliefs and defining task algorithm updates for varied applications.
improve_report_findingYou’re a versatile and skilled cybersecurity consultant experienced in multiple testing domains and expert in threat analysis. Use cases include improving security findings, writing concise reports, detailing risks, offering recommendations, and providing relevant references.
create_threat_scenariosThreat modeling via narrative methodology helps simplify risk assessment for scenarios from cybersecurity to physical security. Use cases: understanding everyday risks, determining realistic vs. unrealistic threats, and creating logical defenses.
extract_wisdom_nometaYou extract insightful information from text content on life’s purpose, human flourishing, technology’s future, AI’s effect on humans, and continuous improvement. Use cases include summarizing content, extracting key ideas, insights, quotes, personal habits, facts, references, and recommendations.
label_and_rateClassify and rate content based on identified themes and a prescribed labeling system for human-centric topics.
write_essayThe markdown content emphasizes the importance of writing for clarifying thoughts and generating new ideas. Use cases include enhancing understanding, refining ideas, improving critical thinking, and effective communication.
agility_storyThis content explains how to write user stories and acceptance criteria for Agile projects. Use cases include creating new user accounts and defining specific actions and outcomes within a system.
extract_insightsYou extract and present profound insights from text, with interests in human purpose, technology’s role, and continuous improvement. Use cases include exploring life’s meaning, AI effects, memes, and enhancing learning.
create_quizGenerate expert-level review questions based on provided learning objectives for senior university students or professionals. Use cases include exam preparation, subject mastery, and professional development.
analyze_personalityYou are an AI designed for comprehensive psychological analysis of individuals based on input data. Use cases include analyzing solo presenters, interviewees, and identifying personality traits for deeper insights.
rate_contentThe content outlines a method for classifying and rating content based on labels and themes. This method is used for tasks such as content evaluation, quality ranking, and thematic analysis.
analyze_malwareYou are a malware analysis expert proficient in identifying and analyzing malware across different platforms by extracting key details and indicators of compromise. Use cases include defining malware for detection, extracting indicators like IPs and domains, identifying Mitre Att&CK techniques, and suggesting Yara rules.
find_hidden_messageYou are an expert in political propaganda, analysis of hidden messages, and population control through speech and writing. Use cases include identifying overt vs. hidden messages, supporting arguments, desired audience actions, and conducting cynical, balanced, and favorable analyses.
analyze_claimsYou are tasked with objectively analyzing and rating truth claims in provided inputs, offering supportive and counter-evidence to create a balanced view. Use cases include summarizing arguments, verifying claims, identifying logical fallacies, and providing quality scores.
extract_extraordinary_claimsAn expert identifies extraordinary claims in conversations by discerning statements already deemed false or unverifiable by the scientific community. Examples include denying evolution, faking the moon landing, or asserting the Earth is flat.
create_markmap_visualizationIdentity: A data visualization expert simplifies complex ideas using MarkMap syntax. Use Cases: Visualize core ideas, ensure standalone diagrams, and handle intricate concepts.
compare_and_contrastThis document provides guidelines for comparing and contrasting items and presenting the information in a markdown table. Use cases include creating summaries, reports, and analytical comparisons.
extract_patternsIdentify patterns from data by analyzing recurring themes, then prioritize and explain these patterns for insightful analysis. Research consolidation, data analysis, startup guidance, strategic planning, and content synthesis.
summarize_git_changesThis template guides project managers and developers in creating concise, enthusiastic updates for recent changes in a GitHub project. Use cases: summarizing code changes, communicating updates to stakeholders, and documenting project progress.
create_5_sentence_summaryA highly intelligent AI creates concise summaries at 5 varying depths. Use cases include creating short summaries, answering questions, and generating mindmaps.
analyze_answersYou are tasked with evaluating the correctness of answers based on student level, focusing on senior university students or industry professionals. Use cases involve extracting subjects, redefining roles, extracting learning objectives, matching and evaluating answers, and providing reasoned scoring.
clean_textAn expert in correcting broken or malformatted text, especially unusual line breaks, ensures readability without altering content or spelling. Use cases include cleaning up documents, articles, and reports.
write_pull-requestYou are to draft a detailed PR description by analyzing the git diff output, summarizing changes, and explaining their purpose and impact, adhering to markdown syntax. Use cases include adding, deleting, modifying, moving, and renaming files.
create_logoYou create simple, elegant, and impactful minimalist company logos based on given input. Use cases: generating vector graphic logos without text from specific descriptions.
create_aphorismsYou’re an expert in finding renowned aphorisms based on given topics to create a list with attribution. Use cases: research, writing, speeches, educational purposes, or inspiration.
extract_pocA powerful AI cybersecurity expert extracts proof of concept URLs and vulnerability validation methods from security/bug reports. Use cases: Validate vulnerabilities via extracted URLs using curl commands, authorization headers, or Python scripts.
extract_videoidThis guide provides a detailed methodology for extracting video IDs from URLs. Use cases include video ID extraction for embedding, metadata retrieval, or application integration.
provide_guidanceAn all-knowing psychiatrist, psychologist, and life coach gives honest and concise advice based on context. Use cases include personal traumas, life goals, self-reflection, clinical diagnoses, and actionable recommendations.
analyze_incidentEfficient Data Extraction aims to concisely gather key information from cybersecurity breach articles. Use cases include identifying attack types, vulnerable components, attackers, and impacts for detailed analysis and recommendations.
check_agreementThis tool analyzes contracts for potential issues and generates a summary in Markdown format. Use cases: identifying critical points, raising concerns, and ensuring contract clarity.
answer_interview_questionYou are an AI designed to help candidates excel in technical interviews by providing practical, conversational responses that showcase expertise. Use cases include answering interview questions with thorough analysis, offering alternative approaches, and providing evidence-based reasoning.
improve_promptYou optimize and refine LLM prompts to enhance performance, incorporating various strategies and tactics. Use cases: create clear instructions, use delimiters, provide examples, specify steps, use reference texts, split complex tasks, give models “thinking” time, leverage external tools, and systematic testing.
improve_academic_writingYou are an academic writing expert focusing on refining text for clarity, coherence, and formal academic tone. Use cases include proofreading for grammatical errors, enhancing clarity, maintaining coherence, and using accessible language.
rate_ai_resultYou are an expert AI researcher tasked with evaluating AI/ML/LLM outputs based on prompt instructions, analyzing construction, quality, and spirit to generate a final score. Use cases include assessing AI prompt compliance, determining output quality, and capturing the essence of the request.
summarize_git_diffYou’re a project manager and developer specializing in clean Git diff updates. Use cases: summarizing changes, creating human-readable markdown, and applying conventional commit messages.
create_summaryAn expert content summarizer processes information into concise markdown formats for easy consumption. Use cases: creating summaries, listing main points, extracting key takeaways.
create_micro_summaryYou are tasked with summarizing content into a concise markdown format. Use cases: Summaries, main points extraction, key takeaways presentation.
extract_questionsThis AI, with a 419 IQ, excels at deriving high-quality questions and analyzing their effectiveness. Use cases include content analysis, improving interview strategies, and enhancing question quality.
analyze_debateYou help humans understand debates to broaden their views by consuming, mapping, and analyzing debates neutrally. Use cases: providing scores, listing participants, arguments, agreements, disagreements, misunderstandings, learnings, and takeaways.
get_wow_per_minuteYou analyze content’s wow-factor density by evaluating its elements like surprise, novelty, insight, value, and wisdom per minute. Use cases include assessing business, science, art, and philosophy content for how often it engages, informs, or surprises the audience.
analyze_tech_impactYou are a technology impact analysis service analyzing the societal impact, intentions, and ethical considerations of technology projects. Use cases include summarizing projects, identifying technologies used, target audience, outcomes, societal impact, ethical concerns, and sustainability.
extract_ideasThis tool extracts insights on topics like technology’s future, AI’s human impact, and personal development. Use cases: learning improvement, book summaries, meme analysis, tech ethics insights.
analyze_spiritual_textYou analyze spiritual texts to compare and contrast their tenets and claims. Use cases include identifying surprising claims, noting differences from the King James Bible, and providing verbatim examples.
extract_referencesYou extract references to art, stories, books, literature, papers, and other learning sources from content. Use cases include bibliographies, research citations, content tagging, and academic references.
ask_secure_by_design_questionsAn advanced AI creates secure-by-design questions for building secure systems, from bridges to web applications. Use cases include system architecture, authentication, and protocol security.
recommend_artistsYou are an EDM expert who curates personalized festival schedules based on a list of favorite styles and artists. Use cases: recommending similar artists, optimizing selections for enjoyment, and organizing an easy-to-read schedule.
write_micro_essayExpert writing exposes incomplete understanding and sharpens ideas. Use cases: refining thoughts, exploring ideas deeply, and clarifying complex topics.
extract_book_recommendationsSummarize a book’s most important content by extracting and listing practical recommendations. Use cases include creating summaries, generating instructive advice, and ensuring varied and concise recommendations.
create_report_findingYou are a versatile and professional cyber security consultant with extensive experience in web, API, infrastructure (both on-premise and cloud), and mobile testing, as well as expertise in threat modeling and analysis. Use cases include creating reports, marking vulnerabilities, and providing remediation recommendations.
rate_ai_responseYou evaluate and rate AI responses by comparing them to the best human expert performance using a detailed grading framework. Use cases include AI output quality assessment, comparative analysis, and performance scoring.
explain_docsYou simplify and enhance tool usage instructions by following a structured format. Common use cases include fetching current time and determining one’s birthday.
to_flashcardsYou are a professional Anki card creator who follows specific guidelines to break down information into simple, optimized, and context-free questions and answers. Use cases include summarizing main points, creating clear questions and answers, and presenting them in CSV format.
create_commandA penetration tester skilled at interpreting command line help instructions generates accurate CLI commands based on provided documentation. Use cases: security testing, automation, troubleshooting, and validating command functionalities.
create_visualizationYou specialize in visualizing complex ideas using intricate ASCII art, ensuring clarity and accuracy in standalone diagrams. Use cases include simplifying data relationships, concept explanations, and visual summaries for complex topics.
summarize_newsletterYou are an advanced AI newsletter content extraction service that summarizes newsletters into key insights and actionable items. Use cases include creating summaries, listing content highlights, extracting opinions, identifying tools and companies, and providing follow-up actions.
extract_main_ideaThe content explains how to distill and convey the most important idea from any input. Use cases: content summarization, highlighting insights, and generating recommendations.
philocapsulateThis content involves generating detailed templates about philosophers or philosophies based on provided input, summarizing backgrounds, encapsulations, teachings, and more. Use cases include education, reference, and philosophical analysis.
extract_wisdomYou extract and summarize insightful, surprising information about life’s purpose, human flourishing, technology’s future, AI effects, memes, and self-improvement. Use cases include summarizing, idea extraction, quote collection, habit identification, fact finding, reference gathering, and providing key takeaways and recommendations.
extract_business_ideasYou are a business idea extraction assistant focused on revolutionary or overhaul business ideas. Use cases: extract top ideas, elaborate on the best ones, and provide unique differentiators.
extract_predictionsDigest input, extract predictions, and follow structured steps for optimal results. Use cases: extracting predictions, organizing data, and ensuring output consistency in Markdown format.
extract_recommendationsThe content outlines guidelines for extracting and summarizing recommendations from provided text. Use cases: generating concise lists, highlighting key points, and simplifying complex information.
write_semgrep_ruleSemgrep rules help to identify patterns and vulnerabilities in code across various languages and contexts. Use cases include code quality checks, security vulnerability detection, and automated code refactoring.
explain_termsYou create glossaries that explain advanced terms in content with clear definitions and analogies. Use cases include educational materials, technical reports, and user manuals.
create_art_promptYou are an expert artist and AI whisperer who translates concepts into perfect AI-generated art by following deep conceptual thinking and unique visual capture. Use cases include creating visual art for publications, Sci-Fi book covers, and compelling concept representations.
create_ai_jobs_analysisYou analyze AI’s impact on jobs, identifying safer roles and providing safety recommendations. Use cases include job susceptibility analysis, timeline risk assessment, and personal resilience tips.
explain_projectYou expertly summarize project documentation, focusing on user and developer needs with clear instructions. Use cases include installation, usage, and practical examples.
summarizeAn expert content summarizer translates content into a brief Markdown summary, ensuring clarity and conciseness using a structured format. Use cases include quick reviews, preparing summaries, extracting key points, and generating takeaways.
improve_writingYou refine text for clarity, coherence, grammar, and style. Use cases: correcting errors, enhancing style, ensuring clarity, and improving coherence.
create_investigation_visualizationYou specialize in intelligence investigations and data visualization with GraphViz, producing detailed and annotated visual representations. Use cases: research analysis, timeline creation, evidence presentation, journalistic explanation, and jury briefings.
create_better_frameDemonstrate how framing shapes our perception of reality and influences our reactions, providing examples of different perspectives on key issues. Use cases include reframing perspectives about AI, social issues, success, personal identity, and control over life circumstances.
analyze_threat_reportYou are tasked with analyzing cybersecurity threat reports to extract key insights, trends, statistics, recommendations, and references for comprehensive summaries. Use cases include generating summaries, identifying trends, deriving statistics, extracting quotes, compiling references, and listing actionable recommendations.
create_academic_paperThe content describes guidelines for creating high-quality academic papers using LaTeX. Use cases include digesting the input, outlining, writing, formatting, and ensuring a professional presentation.
create_reading_planDesign a three-phase reading plan based on user input to enhance knowledge about specific authors or literary topics. Use cases: personalized learning, deep exploration of an author’s work, and thematic reading plans.
analyze_paperYou are a research paper analysis service that determines primary findings and analyzes scientific quality. Use cases: summarize papers, list authors and organizations, extract key findings, evaluate quality, and identify conflicts of interest.
rate_valueYou’re an expert in evaluating content value using the Value Per Minute (VPM) metric. Use cases include measuring the value of articles, essays, podcasts, and videos by identifying useful insights, giveaways, untold stories, uncommon resources, secret knowledge, and exclusive content.
summarize_microAn expert content summarizer transforms given content into brief summaries in Markdown format. Use cases include summarizing articles, synthesizing reports, and condensing technical documentation.
explain_codeAn expert coder processes code, documentation, and configuration text to provide explanations and implications. Use cases: code explanation, security implications, configuration settings, and answering specific questions.
raw_queryYou are a universal AI designed to provide optimal results based on given input. Use cases include comprehending input, analyzing context, and delivering precise outputs.
aiYou expertly interpret questions and provide insightful answers concisely. Use cases: succinct summaries, insightful explanations, mental model creation, Markdown format.
extract_algorithm_update_recommendationsYou are tasked to provide algorithm update recommendations based on provided content for more efficient processes. Use cases: adapting evaluations over time, assessing web apps, and improving daily routines.
get_youtube_rssYou convert YouTube channel IDs or URLs into their corresponding RSS feed URLs. Use cases include tracking video updates, RSS feed integration, and content monitoring.
analyze_proseAn expert writer evaluates content quality and provides ratings for novelty, clarity, and prose with recommendations for improvement. Use cases: content analysis, quality improvement, and structured feedback.
create_keynoteCreate TED-quality keynote presentations by planning narrative flow and structuring slides with clear content and speaker notes. Use cases: crafting engaging narratives, designing slide content, generating AI images, guiding speaker delivery.
create_network_threat_landscapeYou are a network security consultant specializing in analyzing open ports and services for insights from network port scan statistics. Use cases: threat reports, risk assessment, recommendations synthesis, trend analysis, and generating security summaries.
analyze_presentationYou expertly review and critique presentations, focusing on content, underlying psychology, and the speaker’s genuine goals. Use cases: break down presentation content, analyze speaker’s true intent, evaluate focus on ideas vs. self, assess entertainment value, and provide overall scoring.
extract_sponsorsYou extract official and potential sponsors from transcripts such as podcasts, videos, or essays. Use cases include analyzing content to identify sponsors for marketing, partnerships, or funding.

Full Examples

Book Summary

echo "Meditations by Marcus Arelius" | fabric -sp extract_book_recommendations

It actually spit it out as markdown:


- Practice mindfulness daily to stay present.
- Reflect on your actions to improve self-awareness.
- Accept what you cannot change with grace.
- Focus on living according to virtue and reason.
- Embrace obstacles as opportunities for growth.
- Cultivate resilience by preparing for life's challenges mentally.
- Treat others with kindness and understanding.
- Recognize the impermanence of life to value the present.
- Engage in self-discipline to master desires and impulses.
- Seek wisdom through continuous learning and reflection.
- Maintain a sense of humility and avoid arrogance.
- Prioritize the common good over individual gain.
- Exercise patience in the face of adversity.
- Embrace your role in the larger cosmos with responsibility.
- Avoid dwelling on past mistakes or worrying about the future.
- Practice gratitude for what you have, however small.
- Avoid gossip and focus on improving yourself instead.
- Find contentment in simplicity rather than in material wealth.
- Lead by example through virtuous behavior.
- Accept death as a natural part of life, without fear.
- Use reason as your guide in decision-making processes.
- Detach from the desire for approval from others.
- Cultivate inner peace through meditation and contemplation.
- Recognize the power of your thoughts in shaping your reality.
- Approach every task, no matter how small, with care and attention.
- Avoid quick judgments of others' actions and intentions.
- Find joy in the journey, not just the destination.
- Keep your mind open to new perspectives and ideas.
- Balance ambition with contentment to avoid unnecessary dissatisfaction.
- Practice forgiveness towards yourself and others for mistakes and shortcomings.

1 Hour Video Summary

yt --transcript > alex.14lifelessons.txt && cat alex.14lifelessons.txt | fabric -sp extract_wisdom
The speaker shares 13 lessons learned post-college about humility, learning, success, and personal growth, emphasizing the importance of listening, self-respect, and continuous improvement.

- Assuming you're less knowledgeable encourages better learning and decision-making.
- Talking less and listening more can elevate your understanding and respect.
- Earning one's own respect is tougher but more rewarding than external validation.
- Controlling narratives about yourself requires genuine change, not just PR tactics.
- Simple language equips others to effectively share your business or ideas.
- Revisiting a valuable book multiple times can deepen understanding and insight.
- Champions focus on eliminating distractions rather than possessing unique talents.
- Goodwill compounds faster and more effectively than financial assets.
- Your legacy fades quickly after death, underscoring the triviality of others' opinions.
- Extraordinary achievements stem from consistent ordinary actions over time.
- If a task is worth doing, it merits doing well and with full effort.
- Negotiate everything but never compromise your core values for short-term gains.
- True humility involves valuing others highly, not thinking less of oneself.
- Happiness is multifaceted; focusing on progress rather than perfection fosters contentment.
- Learning from failure is crucial for success, but beware of complacency.
- The cycle of failure, learning, and success is continuous, not a destination.
- Paying to accelerate understanding of truths can drastically improve decision-making.
- Seeing reality more clearly than others is a significant competitive advantage.
- Continuous self-improvement and shedding false beliefs are key to entrepreneurial success.
- Focusing on building goodwill can lead to long-term success and fulfillment.
- Reading deeply rather than widely can transform your understanding and actions.
- Singular focus and dedication are common traits among high achievers.
- Ordinary actions, consistently done, lead to extraordinary results over time.
- Negotiation is an art that can lead to mutually beneficial outcomes.
- Self-respect starts with self-improvement and acting in ways you admire.

- Learning thrives in silence; talking less opens doors to deeper knowledge and respect.
- Self-improvement begins with self-respect; external validation follows internal change.
- Mastery comes from depth, not breadth; revisiting valuable lessons deepens expertise.
- Success is a cycle of learning and growth, not a linear path to a destination.
- True humility boosts status by contributing more to the group than you receive.

- "You make better decisions by assuming you're dumber than everyone else."
- "Fundamentally, you can't learn if you're talking."
- "The hardest respect to earn is one's own."
- "If you want to control what people think, control what they say."
- "You get more out of reading one great book five times than five mediocre books."
- "Most champions lack something you have: distractions."
- "Goodwill compounds faster than money."
- "You're going to die. Two weeks after, most people will have forgotten about you."
- "Extraordinary accomplishments come from doing ordinary things for extraordinary periods of time."
- "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well."
- "Be willing to negotiate everything except for your values."
- "Humility is not decreasing your regard for self but increasing your regard for others."
- "The happy man has a thousand wishes; the sad man has one."
- "Failure leads to learning; learning leads to success; success leads to complacency."
- "I would pay any amount of money to make obvious truths real for me."

- Listening more than speaking in conversations to learn and gain respect.
- Reflecting on personal actions and striving for self-improvement regularly.
- Reading valuable books multiple times to fully absorb their lessons.
- Focusing on eliminating distractions to achieve singular goals effectively.
- Building goodwill actively as a long-term investment over immediate profits.
- Practicing humility by valuing others' contributions and perspectives highly.
- Embracing failure as an opportunity for learning and growth.
- Consistently performing ordinary tasks with dedication for long-term success.
- Negotiating with a focus on mutual benefit rather than zero-sum gains.
- Prioritizing tasks that are truly worth doing well over those that aren't.

- Goodwill can compound faster and more effectively than financial assets.
- Most people will forget about you two weeks after your death.
- Champions often succeed by what they don't do rather than what they do.
- Extraordinary achievements are often the result of long-term ordinary efforts.
- True humility involves increasing regard for others rather than diminishing self-regard.

-'s mission statement evolution as an example of effective communication.
- Clayton Christensen's definition of humility as increasing regard for others.

Listening more and speaking less opens unparalleled paths to learning, respect, and personal growth.

- Practice listening more than speaking in every conversation for deeper insights.
- Reflect on personal actions regularly to foster genuine self-improvement and respect.
- Revisit valuable books multiple times to extract their full wisdom and insights.
- Eliminate distractions to focus on achieving singular, meaningful goals effectively.
- Build goodwill as a strategic long-term investment over immediate financial gains.

To me this is the most valuable aspect: I HATE youtube and listening to someone talk about their day when I came to learn about a topic. I hate ads. This tells me quickly the content, what to focus on before I watch it, and what notes I might want to take.