display app
This chrome app takes your supplied images and creates a screen saver.
File Structure
it installs like an app. Chrome > Manage Extensions > (developer mode) > Load unpacked > Select the display_app folder
Run it
It’s a chrome app, so, drag your bottom bar up to see all apps and look for it.
Pin it
Once it’s running, you can right click and pin to shelf.
Use it
- escape key disables it
- right arrow advances to next set
- it will make a random gif or image on each screen
- it will not duplicate on the same screens
- runs indefinitely until you hit escape
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="window.js"></script>
window.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.key === "Escape") {
let windows = chrome.app.window.getAll();
for(let i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) {
"name": "Display Image on Multiple Screens",
"version": "1.0",
"manifest_version": 2,
"app": {
"background": {
"scripts": ["background.js"]
"permissions": ["system.display"],
"icons": {
"16": "icon_16.png",
"128": "icon_128.png"
const numJpgs = 344;
const numGifs = 317;
// creates a screen for each display, and puts random image in it for 60 seconds
// Right arrow refreshes new set sooner. Esc closes the app.
// Other useful apps
// ShufflePaper - Randomize your wallpapers ghcndibmdbeipgggdddmecagpkllglpj
// Keep Awake - prevents screen lock bijihlabcfdnabacffofojgmehjdielb
let counter = 0;
let lastImages = [];
function getRandomImage() {
let newImage;
do {
if (counter % 6 === 0) { // Every 6th image will be a gif
const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * numGifs + 1);
newImage = 'images/2image' + randomIndex + '.gif';
} else {
const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * numJpgs + 1);
newImage = 'images/2image' + randomIndex + '.jpg';
} while (lastImages.includes(newImage)); // Keep generating new images until we get one that hasn't been shown recently
if (lastImages.length > numDisplays) {
lastImages.shift(); // Remove the oldest image from the list
return newImage;
chrome.app.runtime.onLaunched.addListener(function() {
chrome.system.display.getInfo(function(displays) {
let windows = [];
numDisplays = displays.length; // Get the number of displays
// Create a window for each display
for (let i = 0; i < numDisplays; i++) {
let display = displays[i];
let options = {
'bounds': {
'left': display.bounds.left,
'top': display.bounds.top,
'width': display.bounds.width,
'height': display.bounds.height
'resizable': false,
'frame': 'none'
chrome.app.window.create('window.html', options, function(createdWindow) {
createdWindow.contentWindow.onload = function() {
let body = createdWindow.contentWindow.document.body;
body.style.backgroundColor = 'black';
body.style.display = 'flex';
body.style.justifyContent = 'center';
body.style.alignItems = 'center';
body.style.margin = '0';
body.style.height = '100vh';
let imgElement = createdWindow.contentWindow.document.createElement('img');
imgElement.style.display = 'block';
imgElement.style.maxHeight = '100%';
imgElement.style.maxWidth = '100%';
imgElement.style.border = 'none';
imgElement.src = getRandomImage();
body.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode === 39) { // 39 is the keyCode for the right arrow key
for (let win of windows) {
let imgElement = win.contentWindow.document.querySelector('img');
imgElement.src = getRandomImage();
// Set an interval to change the image every 60 seconds
setInterval(function() {
for (let win of windows) {
let imgElement = win.contentWindow.document.querySelector('img');
imgElement.src = getRandomImage();
}, 60000); // 60000 milliseconds = 60 seconds
Duplicate File Deletion
import os
import glob
import hashlib
import sys
def calculate_md5(filename):
hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(4096), b""):
return hash_md5.hexdigest()
def find_duplicates(folder_path, file_types, delete=False):
file_dict = {}
size_dict = {}
for file_type in file_types:
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(folder_path, f'*.{file_type}'))
for file in files:
file_size = os.path.getsize(file)
if file_size not in size_dict:
size_dict[file_size] = [file]
for files in size_dict.values():
if len(files) > 1:
for file in files:
file_md5 = calculate_md5(file)
if file_md5 not in file_dict:
file_dict[file_md5] = [file]
for key, value in file_dict.items():
if len(value) > 1:
keep_file = value[0]
del_files = value[1:]
for filename in del_files:
if delete:
print(f"Deleting {filename} (MD5: {key}), keeping {keep_file}")
print(f"[DRY RUN] Would delete {filename} (MD5: {key}), keeping {keep_file}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
folder_path = os.getcwd() # Get the current directory
file_types = ['gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'bmp'] # Added additional image formats
# Check if '--delete' flag is provided
if '--delete' in sys.argv:
delete_files = True
delete_files = False
print("This is a dry run. To actually delete the files, add the --delete flag.")
find_duplicates(folder_path, file_types, delete_files)
File Renamer
# Import necessary modules
import os
import glob
# Define a function to rename files based on the given file types in the provided folder
def rename_files(folder_path, file_types):
# Iterate through each file type
for file_type in file_types:
# Get a list of files of the current file type in the folder
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(folder_path, f'*.{file_type}'))
index = 1 # Start the index at 1 for naming
# Iterate through each file in the list
for file in files:
# Generate the new name based on the index
new_name = os.path.join(folder_path, f'2image{index}.{file_type}')
# If a file with the new name already exists, increment the index to find an unused name
while os.path.exists(new_name):
index += 1
new_name = os.path.join(folder_path, f'2image{index}.{file_type}')
# Rename the file to the new name
os.rename(file, new_name)
index += 1 # Increment the index for the next file
# Main execution starts here
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Get the directory where the script resides
folder_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# Define the file types to look for
file_types = ['gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'bmp'] # Added additional image formats for completeness
# Call the function to rename files in the directory
rename_files(folder_path, file_types)