Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.

Linux Screen Tutorial

Screen is a shell layer that allows you to use one shell session, detach from it, and then reattach from a different computer where you left off. It’s useful for long jobs, recording what commands were run, and bad connections that might drop your SSH shell in the middle of a work session.

$ which screen

Install Screen

For Debian-Based Linux, the command is:

$ sudo apt-get install screen

Start Screen

Start screen with the simple “screen” command and hit enter to begin using it.

Screen Commands

Here is the TLDR version that you probably are looking for:

  • screen -S something

  • screen -ls

  • screen -r xxxx.something -D

Everything Else besides TLDR:

Linux Screen uses ctrl + a to start commands and then a character to do a specific command. You can see all of the commands using ctrl-a ? Screen Help

Ctrl-a ? Show Help File
Ctrl-a H Create or Stop Log of Session

A pwd will tell you what your working directory is, and you will have a screenlog.0 file in it with whatever commands you typed. If you Ctrl-a H again it will stop logging.

Ctrl-a M Monitor for output
Ctrl-a _ Monitor for silence
Ctrl-a x Lock Screen
Ctrl-a d Detach Screen
Ctrl-a c Create new screen
screen -ls List all Screens
screen -r xxxx Reattach to existing Screen xxxx
Ctrl-a n Cycle to Next Screen
Ctrl-a p Cycle to Previous Screen
Ctrl-a k Stop Screen

When you finally type “exit” or ctrl-a k to kill a session you will see the [screen is terminating] message.

Check if Screen is Running

If screen isn’t running, you can verify using the pgrep utilitiy

$ pgrep screen

If screen is running, you will get 2 process IDs:

$ pgrep screen

Example of Using Screen

screen Start screen
ctrl a, H Turn on logging
ctrl a, c Make a New Screen
start some command long boring output
ctrl a, c Makes a new screen
do other commands bleh bleh whatever
ctrl a, n Cycle to the next screen
exit Type exit, it will scroll through screens shutting them down each time.

Now you can review screenlog.0 file

Last updated on 20 Jul 2018
Published on 20 Jul 2018
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