Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.

BGP Path Selection

Path Selection Problems

Key PointFurther Details
AS_PATH IssuesLook for incorrect AS_PATH configurations that might be influencing path selection improperly.
Next-Hop UnreachableEnsure the next-hop IP address for BGP routes is reachable from the router.
Incorrectly Configured Local Preference or MEDCheck if these attributes are set correctly as they can influence route selection.

Palo Alto Commands

show routing protocol bgp path-infoDisplays path information for troubleshooting AS_PATH issues.
show routing protocol bgp allProvides a comprehensive overview of all BGP paths and their attributes.
test routing fib-lookup ip <ip-address>Verifies if a next-hop IP address is reachable via FIB lookup.
show routing protocol bgp policyDisplays BGP policies, useful for examining local preference or MED settings.

Cisco ASA Commands

show ip bgpShows the BGP table with path attributes for route selection analysis.
show ip bgp neighbors <neighbor> advertised-routesChecks routes advertised to a specific neighbor, useful for MED and local preference issues.
ping <next-hop-ip>Verifies reachability of the next-hop IP address.
show ip routeDisplays the IP routing table to check if next-hop is in the routing table.

Fortinet Commands

get router info bgp routesDisplays BGP routes and their attributes for path selection troubleshooting.
get router info bgp neighbors <neighbor> routesShows routes received from a specific neighbor, including path attributes.
execute ping <next-hop-ip>Tests the reachability of the next-hop IP address.
diag ip route listLists the IP routing table to verify next-hop reachability.

Check Point Gaia Commands

show bgp routes as-path <AS-path>Filters the BGP table by AS_PATH for troubleshooting.
show bgp routes detailDisplays detailed BGP route information, including next-hop and path attributes.
ping <next-hop-ip>Checks reachability of the next-hop IP address.
show route allVerifies if next-hop IP addresses are present in the routing table.

Debian Commands

vtysh -c 'show ip bgp'Displays BGP routes and their path attributes for analysis.
vtysh -c 'show ip bgp neighbors <neighbor> advertised-routes'Views routes advertised to a specific neighbor, useful for checking MED and local preferences.
ping <next-hop-ip>Tests reachability of the specified next-hop IP address.
ip route showShows the kernel routing table, helpful for verifying next-hop IP reachability.

Additional Path Selection Considerations

Key PointFurther Details
Weight Attribute ConfigurationFor vendor-specific devices, check if the weight attribute is correctly applied to influence path selection.
BGP Community Tags UsageEnsure proper usage and interpretation of BGP community tags for route manipulation.

Palo Alto Commands

show routing protocol bgp path-infoDisplays detailed path information including weight and community tags.
show routing protocol bgp policyDisplays BGP policies, useful for examining how community tags are applied.
debug routing bgp update recvEnables debugging to view incoming BGP updates and their attributes, including community.
debug routing bgp update sendEnables debugging to view outgoing BGP updates and their attributes, including weight and community.

Cisco ASA Commands

show ip bgpDisplays the BGP table, showing paths with their weight and community values.
show ip bgp community <community>Filters BGP routes by community tag to analyze their usage and propagation.
`show running-configsection route-map`
show ip bgp neighbors <neighbor> advertised-routesShows routes advertised to a specific neighbor, including applied weights and communities.

Fortinet Commands

get router info bgp routesLists BGP routes, including path attributes like weight and community tags.
diagnose router bgp routes detailProvides detailed information on BGP routes, including their community values.
diagnose router bgp neighbors <neighbor> routesDisplays detailed information about routes received from a neighbor, including community tags.
get router info bgp summarySummarizes BGP session information, useful for quick checks on path attributes.

Check Point Gaia Commands

show bgp routes community <community>Filters the BGP table by community tag for troubleshooting.
show bgp routes detailDisplays detailed information of BGP routes, including their community tags and weight (if applicable).
show bgp summaryProvides a summary of BGP peers and sessions, useful for overviewing path selection settings.
show bgp policyDisplays BGP policies, including usage of community tags for route manipulation.

Debian Commands

vtysh -c 'show ip bgp'Shows the BGP table including community tags and possibly weight, if supported.
vtysh -c 'show ip bgp community <community>Displays routes with a specific BGP community tag, useful for verifying community usage.
`vtysh -c ‘show running-configinclude route-map’`
vtysh -c 'show ip bgp neighbors <neighbor> advertised-routes'Shows routes advertised to specific neighbors, including any modifications by weight or community.