Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.

Hugo Front Matter

Here is an example front matter, which is like meta data for your content on this page.

Many of these are optional, but here is an example of toml format. You can also use yaml and it doesn’t matter if you use yaml or toml.

Example Front Matter

Here is an example of toml, but you can also do yaml. Yaml starts with — and toml starts with +++

title = "Example Title"
date = 2024-01-21T09:00:00+00:00
lastmod = 2024-01-21T11:00:00+00:00
draft = false
author = "John Doe"
description = "A brief description of the content."
categories = ["Technology", "Hugo"]
tags = ["Web Development", "Static Sites"]
slug = "example-title"
url = "/post/example-title"
type = "post"
layout = "post"
weight = 1
images = ["/images/example1.jpg", "/images/example2.jpg"]
aliases = ["/old-url/", "/another-old-url/"]

Then your markdown goes here

Explanation of Fields

titleThe title of your content.
dateThe creation date of the content.
lastmodThe last modification date.
draftIndicates whether the content is a draft (true or false).
authorThe author’s name.
descriptionA short summary of the content.
categoriesBroad groupings for the content.
tagsSpecific keywords related to the content.
slugA URL-friendly version of the title.
urlCustom URL for the content.
typeThe type of content (e.g., blog, page).
layoutThe layout file to use for rendering.
weightUsed for ordering content.
imagesAssociated images for the content.
aliasesAlternative URLs that redirect to this content.