Information Technology Grimoire

Version .0.0.1

IT Notes from various projects because I forget, and hopefully they help you too.

vsx stat

Expert@OUR-VSXFW01-ch01-01:0]# vsx stat -v
VSX Gateway Status
Name:            OUR-VSXFW01
Access Control Policy: OUR-VSXFW01_VSX
Installed at:    25Mar2022  0:09:50
Threat Prevention Policy: <No Policy>
SIC Status:      Trust

Number of Virtual Systems allowed by license:          10
Virtual Systems [active / configured]:                  4 / 4
Virtual Routers and Switches [active / configured]:     1 / 1
Total connections [current / limit]:                130544 / 3030400

Virtual Devices Status

 ID  | Type & Name             | Access Control Policy | Installed at    | Threat Prevention Policy | SIC Stat
   1 | W OUR-VSW01             | <Not Applicable>      |                 | <Not Applicable>         | Trust
   2 | S OUR-xFW01             | fw1policynamex        | 22Mar2022  0:11 | fw1policynamex           | Trust
   3 | S OUR-yFW01             | fw1policynamey        | 25Mar2022  1:10 | fw1policynamey           | Trust
   5 | S OUR-zFW01             | fw1policynamez        | 26Mar2022  4:10 | fw1policynamez           | Trust
Type: S - Virtual System, B - Virtual System in Bridge mode,
      R - Virtual Router, W - Virtual Switch.